One of the essential skills in Assassin’s Creed Mirage isn’t explained very well. Eavesdropping is required to get information on missions or just for clues to find new methods for assassinating your targets. You’d think eavesdropping would be as simple as stealthily approaching your target and listening to their on-going conversation, but for some reason this game doesn’t work that way. There’s a very special way to eavesdrop and while we figured it out quickly, the surge of frustrated players asking how to do it forced our hand — we’ll explain exactly what you need to know about eavesdropping in the full guide below.
Assassin’s Creed Mirage is a focused return to the stealth gameplay of earlier games in the series, stripping out most of the action-oriented combat, RPG leveling and gear. Now you’ll need to use an array of tools and your own patience to ghost through Baghdad bases in search of a new gang of masked opponents plotting their own evil schemes. Much more like previous games in the series, Mirage has its own weird little quirks. Collecting unique currencies to pay off different types of NPCs is one. Eavesdropping is another.
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How To Eavesdrop

Eavesdropping is a mechanic in which Basim, your playable assassin, can listen in to conversations of far-off NPCs. They only need to be relatively close for this to work, but actually listening requires a specific type of interaction. To eavesdrop, you must use a bench.
- Using A Bench: Sitting on a bench allows Basim to eavesdrop on nearby enemies. You must sit and blend in on a bench.
- You can’t blend in if you’re being actively hunted and being watched. If you break line-of-sight with guards, you can still blend-in and sit at a bench to avoid enemies.
- While sitting, you are essentially invisible to enemy guards. You’ll also automatically eavesdrop on any conversations in the nearby area.
Eavesdropping may reveal important information about your target or progress the story. Certain quest objectives absolutely require eavesdropping. Simply getting close to targets or blending into a crowd of regular NPCs will NOT let you eavesdrop. It doesn’t make sense, but that’s just how this game works.
In addition to eavesdropping and hiding, sitting at benches has a few additional featues you’ll want to know about.
- Additional Bench Features: Benches can be used to Pass The Time while sitting. This will move the time forward 12 hours and change the time from day to night or night to day.
- Using Pass The Time, we can also immediately end guard alerts. If you’re caught, break line-of-sight with enemy guards and blend in on a bench.
- Instead of waiting for guards to stop searching for you, you can choose to Pass The Time and instantly end a search. Very useful if you’re losing your patience and just want to move on with your exploration of the city.
Passing time doesn’t affect anything other than the time of day and the speed in which guards stop chasing you. After clearing the immediate threat, you can talk to town barkers and pay them off to remove Notoriety or rip up wanted posters that will appear randomly on city structures. The higher your notoriety, the more often guards will attack and hunt you for no reason at all.
Using these tricks, you should be able to progress through Basim’s story a little easier — and faster now that eavesdropping isn’t a problem. Look for a bench you can interact with and take a rest.