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Infernal Iron is one of the materials you really shouldn’t sell in Baldur’s Gate 3. This hellish metal is used in the creation of Infernal Armor and Weapons when trading with a Tiefling Blacksmith. You’ll meet this peculiar craftsman very early in Act 1 and he’ll constantly move with his caravan of refugees as you progress further toward Baldur’s Gate. Dammon and Infernal Iron in particular are required to complete Karlach’s Companion Quest — and you have to complete her quest to progress her romantic storyline. If you want big demonic armor and a big demonic lady to smooch, you’ll need to find Infernal Iron. And it is exceedingly rare.
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What Is Infernal Iron Used For?

Infernal Iron is a rare material used in forging with Dammon — a Tiefling you’ll first encounter in the Emerald Grove. The Tiefling must survive for you to continue to use his services. Damon will leave Act 1 if you complete the Save the Refugees quest — make sure to visit him before he leaves if you want to start Karlach’s quest early.
- Damon Locations:
- 1st Location: Emerald Grove [Act 1]
- 2nd Location: Last Light [Act 2]
- 3rd Location: Baldur’s Gate [Act 3]
Dammon will craft Infernal Equipment in exchange for Infernal Iron in Act 2 — he’s also an important NPC in Karlach’s Companion quest. Karlach is a Tiefling that fought in the Blood War, and one of your six Origin Companions. She needs Infernal Iron to repair her heart. Only Dammon can help.
In Act 1 , you’ll be able to give Dammon Infernal Iron to upgrade Karlach’s heart. The second upgrade won’t be available until Act 2. Dammon can be killed in many different ways. He can even die during the very first Goblin Raid at the Emerald Grove.
Where To Find Infernal Iron

[Work-in-Progress: There may be more Infernal Iron locations, but they’re confirmed to appear in the following locations.]
Infernal Iron #1: Blighted Village – Inside the Blacksmith shop in the basement of the large building with calcified spider-webs in the center. In the basement, lockpick the treasure chest on the high ledge up the ladder.
Infernal Iron #2: Grymforge – In the forge of the Underdark. Talk to Stonemason Kith and pass all three skill checks. Complete all three checks and you’ll be rewarded with a piece of Infernal Iron.
Infernal Iron #3: Zhentarim Basement – Found in the cave beneath Waukeen’s Rest. In the barn, use the cellar door. Either take the key from the guard or persuade him to give it to you. In the cellar, use the key on the corner of the cupboard to access the secret hideout. In the far back of the cave, behind a series of explosive mines, you’ll find two metal gates. The Infernal Iron is behind the left locked gate guarded by wolves and agents. You can unlock the gate and chests by collect the keys from Volo.
Infernal Iron becomes much easier to find in Act 3. Infernal Iron and Enriched Infernal Iron becomes a much easier-to-find drop and can be looted from Iron Watchers. You can complete Karlach’s Companion Quest in Act 3 if Dammon is still alive and in Baldur’s Gate. You can trade Dammon the remainder of the Infernal Iron to craft powerful gear, or just sell it after completing both upgrades to Karlach’s Heart.