A lot of things unlock over time in Wildfrost. Arguably the most important, however, are Pets. These wonderful Companions are selected when you first begin your run, and offer a plethora of benefits – especially in the early game. Which Pet you pick can drastically change how you play the game.
But there are no BAD Pets in Wildfrost. They are all great in their own way, but not all pets are created equal. Some are more universally good than others, and this is where this article comes in. Which Pets are the best, and why should you take them? Let’s find out.
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You start the game with Snoof unlocked, and Snoof is fine. This guy comes as a 3/3 with 3 Counter, and this is very solid. Nice damage, they attack regularly, and their ability applies 2 Snow. It’s an all-round that needs very little to become a deck staple. In fact, all Snoof needs is more HP.
That’s because 3HP is a huge hindrance later in the game. Things like Teeth become more common in Wildfrost the further you get, and this will cause Snoof to instantly die. Hog or Heart Charms work wonders here, as does Pinkberry Juice. You will never escape the fact that it takes a bit too much work to get Snoof working, however.

Loki would be the best Pet – hands down – had he not come with Aimless. Loki is a 5/2 with 3 Counter. This is, in our opinion, a fantastic statline for a Pet. Loki also applies 1 Demonize when he attacks, which is fantastic. Demonize doubles the next lot of damage a debuffed target takes.
This is not to be underestimated, and Demonize can win runs quite easily. It’s too random on Loki though. Being Aimless, Loki might just hit enemies that aren’t currently important. This makes Loki unreliable, and if you NEED Loki to debuff a specific enemy, you really are just rolling the dice. Despite all of this, Loki is still worth using, and is actually one of our most used Pets.

Booshu is interesting because it enables all kinds of things. Its a 4/3 with 6 Counter which is not great. Booshu does decent damage and can take some hits, but it’s slow. Really slow. However, Booshu heals all Allies (regardless of Row) for 3 whenever it activates, and this is really good.
Booshu works especially well if you have a Leader that relies on being hit to do work. For example, some Leaders will apply Shroom, or do Smackback. Well, your Leader is getting smacked around a lot, so you better have a way to keep them from dying. Booshu is your answer in these scenarios.

Spike is our go-to if we don’t really know what to bring. Spike has the most HP out of all Pets at 8, however, Spike can’t attack and can’t be recalled. This doesn’t matter all that much, since we tend to run Spike as a wall. Something intended to block enemies and make die along the way.
Spike is the best Pet in the early game, however, as Spike will pump your economy like no other. Spike has 2 Teeth, which means enemies take damage when they attack him. In the early, Big Pen is one of the possible Minibosses. Big Pen has an army of 2HP, 1 Damage Penguins. Spike kills them all, and will wrack up huge combos as a result. The higher the combo, the more Bling you get.
Spike can fall off later in the game, but that’s not always the case depending on your build. Still, Spike is very reliable and a great pick if you are at a loss.

Sneezle likes a slower game, and supports that thanks to a very good statline. Sneezle is a 6/2 with a Counter of 3. Not only that, when Sneezle takes damage, you draw a card. This is excellent, as Card Draw in Wildfrost is surprisingly hard to find. Naturally Sneezle wants to get his by low damage attacks, which makes him excellent in the early game.
His high HP also makes him a great tank – especially if you manage to buff him. This can help bypass some RNG shenanigans early on and help you early. Sneezle is never bad, and just helps keep your hand healthy. If Sneezle dies, however, he becomes more of a liability. His whole shtick is to take hits and to fuel your hand. If his HP is halved, he can’t do that. At that point consider swapping him out.

Lil’ Gazi
Lil’ Gazi is the last Pet you unlock, and we would say is the best Pet in the game. Stats wise Lil’ Gazi is ok. 3/4 with 4 Counter can do a lot of work, although like Snoof, is a bit fragile. Where Lil’ Gazi shines is in its ability. This guy provides a +1 Attack Buff to all Allies. At all times.
This is insanely good. Everything is made better when Lil’ Gazi is on the board, and you want Lil’ Gazi on the board at all times. Whilst his HP is low, being able to hit for 4 damage per swing is very nice, stopping Lil’ Gazi from being a one-trick pony. Just make sure he never takes a hit, and you are good to go.
That’s all we have on Wildfrost for now. Be sure to check out our Guides, Lists, and Walkthroughs for more Wildfrost content.