Resident Evil 4 Remake brings back one of the great pleasures of the original game — hunting down valuable treasures. Early in the story, you’ll meet the Merchant. This enigmatic masked man will trade treasures for cash that you can spend on upgrades, new weapons and other life-saving services. Upgrades are essential for survival and the only way to afford bigger, better guns is by collecting as many treasures as you can.
Treasure collection begins as early as Chapter 1. For this guide, we’ll be covering the Village section of the map, which consists of 39 major treasures and takes place from Chapter 1 to Chapter 6. Make sure to purchase a Treasure Map from the Merchant for x1 Spinel if you’re really serious about finding every single treasure. Otherwise, here’s how to find all the treasures — and remember, gems are worth way more if you slot them into a larger treasure. Don’t sell off regular gems! Hang onto them until you can slot those little guys into a bigger, better treasure.
[Work-in-Progress: Check back soon as we update this guide with the one or two we missed and screenshots for every hidden treasure.]
More Resident Evil 4 Remake guides:
All Village Requests | All Castle Treasures | All Castle Requests | All Island Treasures | All Island Requests | Free Red9 Location | Free CQBR & LE 5 Locations | Clockwork Castellan Locations
Chapter 1 | Treasures

Velvet Blue: Village Square – In the main village area. After the long encounter with the villagers (and the chainsaw man) you’ll find this on the rooftop of the two-story building with the shotgun. Vault out of the second story window and circle around to find it.

Ruby: Village Square – On the path toward the Windmill Farm, there’s a small shack on the left side of the path, leaving the village. Go inside and open the small chest.

Pearl Pendant: Farm – In the southwest corner of the farm, there’s a spinning wheel with a lantern-like object hanging off the wheel. Shoot it when it hangs away from the well water. If you drop it into the well, you won’t be able to recover it.
Ruby: Farm – In the two-story barn, in a shelf you can open in the back corner, near the Wooden Cog item.

Flagon: Farm – Enter the upper level of the windmill and use the side door leading to the small, curved balcony. Drop down from here to reach a treasure chest with this valuable.
Chapter 2 | Treasures

Sapphire: Abandoned Factory – In the room with the two furnaces, unlock the right-hand furnace to find this hidden gem.

Small Key: Valley – Located in the side room of the large building in the valley. Past the ladder, there’s a small maintenance room with a chest containing this key.

Ruby: Valley – In the north of the valley, open the chest near the Handle required to escape this area.

Elegant Mask: Abandoned Factory – Located in the small room at the center of the factory where Leon collects his lost gear. You’ll need a Small Key item to unlock it.

Sapphire: Leaving the Abandoned Factory through the north gate, you’ll reach a covered area before the stairs. Crouch through the opening on the left to find a treasure chest.

Pearl Pendant: North of the Abandoned Factory, before reaching the large house, there’s a small shack. North of the shack you’ll find an open well with a hanging container. Shoot the wooden board holding up the well cover to lower it. Once the well cover is down, then you can shoot the container to get your treasure.

Sapphire: Between the shack and the sacrificial altar, in the area with the previous treasures, look up at the trees to spot this swinging container. It can be very tricky to see in the trees.

Small Key: Village Chief’s Manor – To the left of the front door in the main room of the first floor.

Ruby: Village Chief’s Manor – Inside a small cabinet near the stairs on the first floor of the manor.
Chapter 3 | Treasures

Vintage Compass: Village Square – Returning to the Village Square with a key, you can now unlock the cabinet in the small house in the center-north of the map, just north of the pyre where the cop was burned.

Blue Velvet: Town Hall – In the room with the giant skull, look up at the ceiling above the meeting table. There’s a hanging container you can shoot down. Listen for the squeak.

Elegant Headdress: Church – Located in a treasure chest behind the Church itself. Take the side path, past the save room, to find this chest near the tower ladder.

Ruby: Quarry – Right in the center of the Quarry. Look up at the two crossing ropes. At the center, there’s a hanging container you can shoot down.
Hexagon Piece A: Merchant’s Hideout – Located in the treasure chest at the Merchant, between the Quarry and the Fish Farm.

Antique Pipe: In the center of the Fish Farm, there’s a hanging container on the opposite wall from an explosive wire trap. If you set off the trap, the container will automatically break and drop the treasure onto the mud.

Hexagon Piece B: Fish Farm – Crouch under the western shack and wooden platform to reach a chest in the northwestern corner of the area.
Small Key: Fish Farm – Located to the left of the shack with the Gasoline Key Item. Needed to unlock the Locked Cabinet in the Lakeside Settlement house.
Chapter 4 | Treasures
Old Wayshrine Key: Mural Cave – Found in a small shrine chest as you exit the Mural Cave and reach the cavern dock.

Butterfly Lamp: Quarry – Use the Old Wayshrine Key at the Los Illuminados Wayshrine north of the Quarry.

Splendid Bangle: Lake – After gaining the boat, travel to the far west side of the last, further left of the large cave shrine. There’s a small landing with a Wayshrine you can unlock.

Alexandrite: Lake – Near the Splendid Bangle Wayshrine, look directly up at the wooden catwalks. There’s a container hanging off the walkways. Shoot it to collect the Alexandrite. You can spot the container easier when crossing the wooden walkways south of the Church.
Locked Cabinet: Lakeside Settlement – Use the Small Key from the Fish Farm to unlock the cabinet in the first room of the large house at the area.

Red Gemstone Ring: Lakeside Settlement – Return to the underground passage where Leon first found Luis Sera. In the cavern, you’ll find this treasure and a new journal.

Pearl Bangle: Lakeside Settlement – Behind the old house where Leon found Luis, there’s an Wayshrine down the path. This is between the house and the Illuminados Insignia door.

Small Key: Forest Altar – An optional location behind the Insignia Key door in the Lakeside Settlement. Unlock the door to the left of the house where Leon found Luis, then climb the ladder to the altar area. The key is on the cart to the left.
Gold Bar: Lakeside Settlement – Inside the large house by the water, use the Small Key acquired previously to open the locked cabinet. It contains a valuable Gold Bar.

Alexandrite: Lake – Dock at the wrecked ship in the center of the Lake. There’s a chest containing this gem.
Red9 [WEAPON]: Lake – At the same wrecked ship, go to the front to find a large chest. An extremely powerful optional pistol is located here.

Velvet Blue: Lake – Located at the chicken farm on the east side of the Lake area. Dock your boat and look on a crate on the left side.

Velvet Blue: Large Cave Shrine – Partially through the Large Cave Shrine area to the south of the Merchant, you’ll reach a bridge. To the left of the bridge is a hanging container. Shoot it to drop the treasure onto the ground below.

Hexagon Piece C: Small Cave Shrine – Located to the right of the northern shrine key item, in the northeast of the Lake.

Depraved Idol: Lake – A puzzle pedestal that locks a treasure is hidden near the dock where you’ll first find the boat. To unlock this, you need to find three Hexagon Piece Key Items and solve the puzzle. You can backtrack to the locations of all three pieces in Chapter 4.
- Hexagon Piece A: Merchant’s Hideout – Located in the treasure chest at the Merchant, between the Quarry and the Fish Farm.
- Hexagon Piece B: Fish Farm – Crouch under the western shack and wooden platform to reach a chest in the northwestern corner of the area.
- Hexagon Piece C: Small Cave Shrine – Located to the right of the northern shrine key item, in the northeast of the Lake.

Velvet Blue: Quarry – After defeating the El Gigante, squeeze through the fallen rocks where the boss first appeared. There’s a bonus journal entry and a treasure.

Small Key: Church – Inside the Church, to the right of the altar on a small table.

Yellow Diamond: Church – Located in a locked cabinet in the Church save room. Use the Small Key found in the Church interior to get it.
Chapter 5 | Treasures
Yellow Diamond: Church – After the cutscene with Ashley, don’t leave the Church yet. Go back into the room where Ashley was being held and shoot the container hanging from the ceiling.

Elegant Bangle: Village Square – In the northwest house of the Village Square, look on the western wall for a high ledge. Boost Ashley up and she’ll unlock the door. There’s a chest inside with the treasure.

Antique Camera: Village Chief’s Manor – Return to the manor in Chapter 5 with Ashley. Interact with the hanging askew photograph in the second-floor bedroom, then pull the switch to reveal a high ladder. Send up Ashley to kick it down. In the attic itself, crouch under the low ceiling to the right of the window. It leads to a cabinet with this camera.
Alexandrite: Dropped by the powerful wolf that spawns when completing the ‘A Savage Mutt’ request.

Antique Pipe: Farm – To the right of the windmill gate, there’s a small Wayshrine that couldn’t be used until now. Open it with the Wayshrine Key to get this treasure.
Chapter 6 | Treasures
Spinel: A free Spinel is located in the Merchant’s Shack past the Villa defense section.

Yellow Diamond: Past the Merchant’s Shack, you’ll enter a canyon packed with patrolling enemies and wooden barricades. Early on this path, look left for a set of stairs. GO up to find a treasure chest.

Chalice of Atonement: Through the first canyon of the ‘fortress’ past the Villa, you’ll reach a suspended wooden walkway. On the left, there’s a hut with a transforming ganado. Open the chest to get this treasure.

Elegant Headdress: Checkpoint – At the large fortress checkpoint, you’ll find a safe place for Ashley to hide. Take the upper-level bridge to the southwest corner of the Checkpoint area to find a Wayshrine.
Mendez’s False Eye: Slaughterhouse – Dropped by Chief Mendez after defeating him. Grab it before exiting through the window.
That’s all the treasures of the Village. Next, Leon and Ashley are roaming into the Castle — which is even more packed with valuable treasure.