While you battle your way through the yakuza that have taken over River City Girls 2, there are a lot of characters, bosses, and quests that you can take part in as you battle your way to Sabu. Completing these tasks usually rewards you with in-game bonuses like cash, XP, and special items or Accessories. Along with this list of rewards that benefit gameplay, these quests will also provide you with an Achievement, but not every single Achievement is not part of any quest or boss fight and can be fairly easy to miss, especially the Secret Achievements. One of these Secret Achievements is called “TV Dinner” and is purposely obscured as is tied to a secret room. While this is a secret room that can be very easy to miss, thus making the Achievement also very much missable, it is extremely easy to complete once you know where to look and go even if you aren’t given much direction on how to do it from the Achievement’s description. Luckily, I can help point out exactly how and where to find complete this task and unlock this Achievement. This guide will explain how to get the TV Dinner Achievement in River City Girls 2.
TV Dinner Achievement Guide In River City Girls 2
R.C.H.S. region after defeating Tsuiko, Blaire the Witch, and Primo in Technos, Flatirons, and Ocean Heights, respectively. Once you enter the school, progress through the region until you reach go up the flight of stairs and reach the room called School First Floor A.
Once you are here, you will notice a movie poster parodying Bruce Willis’ Die Hard titled “Try Hard.” Walk up to this poster and punch it off the wall to reveal a secret vent that you can enter. Upon revealing this passage, you can access this secret room by holding your Interact button like you would with any other door that you would go through with the only difference being the lack of a door icon telling you that there is an entrance in this spot. You will enter the vents of the school, which takes you up to a balcony in the Auditorium where you would find a Blueprint piece for the “”An Enigmatic Note” quest. Once you enter the vents, you will unlock the TV Dinner Achievement in River City Girls 2.
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