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You and your mates have finally made it to the end of all things. Before you are victory or the annihilation of Paldea. It is down to you, and you alone, to put an end to the madness – to end the paradox. Your friends are here to support you, but only you have the strength to overcome what lies ahead.
Professor Sada is ready to take you on with a team of brutal Paradox Pokemon. These are some of the most powerful Pokemon in the game, and she is no pushover. Let’s not forget the elephant in the room either – that second Koraidon you met earlier. Bring your A-game because Pokemon Scarlet is heating up.
More Pokemon Scarlet & Violet content:
Gym Order | How To Catch Ditto | How To Breed Pokemon | Evolution Items | Beginner Tips | Combat Guide

How To Defeat Professor Sada
If you are running Pokemon Scarlet, then you will be up against Professor Sada. She is quite the menace and is more than capable of kicking your teeth in if you let her. Like with her Violet counterpart, Sada only uses Paradox Pokemon. They are:
- Slither Wing
- Brute Bonnet
- Scream Tail
- Sandy Shocks
- Flutter Mane
- Roaring Moon
Right off the bat, we have Slither Wing. This Pokemon is rather bonkers considering it is based on Volcarona. Instead of being a powerful Fire/Bug Pokemon, Slither Wing is Bug/Fighting. Not only that, but its ATK is incredibly high, making it quite the threat if it gets a chance to hit you. Thankfully it has some crippling weaknesses. Most notably to Flying where it is 4x weak. It is also weak to Fire, Psychic, and Fairy. Slither Wing is not particularly fast, so you should hit first and take it out without much hassle.
Brute Bonnet is up next, and boy is this Pokemon worth hunting down for competitive multiplayer. Thankfully, it’s not that threatening in this fight thanks to a huge list of weaknesses due to its Grass/Dark typing. Brute Bonnet is weak to Fire, Ice, Fighting, Poison, Flying, and Fairy. It is also 4x weak to Bug. Despite having great defensive bulk and some great offensive stats, Brute Bonnet should be easily taken care of in a single hit.
Scream Tail is a Fairy/Psychic Pokemon, which turns out to be quite a good pairing. Scream Tail is only weak to Poison, Ghost, and Steel, making it somewhat awkward to deal with if your team isn’t prepared for it. That being said, Scream Tail is not much of a damage dealer. Its offensive stats are rather poor – even if its defensive stars are very solid. Brute force it if you have to.
Despite looking like a Steel Pokemon, Sandy Shocks is Electric/Ground. This makes it completely immune to Electric, but weak to Water, Grass, ice, and Ground. Sandy Shocks is rather fast and has quite a high Sp.ATK stat, so don’t let it attack.
Flutter Mane is ludicrous and should be a priority catch if you decide to go into online battling. This is because Flutter Mane has outstanding Speed and Sp.Atk combined with a typing that is a sight to behold – Ghost/Fairy. This makes Flutter Mane IMMUNE to Normal, Fighting, and Dragon Attacks, and only weak to Ghost and Steel. This is a narrow weakness window. Thankfully, Flutter Mane has low HP and low DEF. Hit it with the strongest attack you have and hope for the best.
Roaring Moon is the final Pokemon on Sada’s team, and it’s quite the beast. Roaring Moon is a Dragon/Dark type, and this has a bunch of advantages. Namely, Roaring Moon is immune and resists more attacks than it is neutral to. This makes it rather awkward to fight if you don’t have its weakness. Thankfully, those are not that uncommon rolling in with a weakness to Ice, Fighting, Bug, and Dragon. In addition, it is 4x weak to Fairy. Roaring Moon is very fast, has great bulk and comes with a very high ATK stat. Aim for that Fairy weakness and OHKO it, or you could find yourself getting slapped around.
With Sada defeated, you can move on to the next part of the battle – fighting Koraidon.

How To Defeat Koraidon
Sada was the real challenge here. Koraidon is more of a scripted event that is meant to feel cinematic. How the fight works is as follows – from your Pokemon Menu, select Koraidon. Any other Pokemon you select will fail to leave their ball.
With Koraidon on the field, you can attack freely. Your Koraidon cannot lose this battle. Eventually, you will be able to Terastallize, which lets you use Tera Blast with Dragon typing. This will instantly defeat the opposing Koraidon and end the game.
That’s all we have on Pokemon Scarlet & Violet for now, but we have more guides and content on the way and a bunch ready to view.