Apex Legends Gets An Overhaul With Revelry
Newcomers are encouraged to try Apex Legends out.
Newcomers are encouraged to try Apex Legends out.
We probably should've gotten this over the alternative.
Fans are still waiting for the official confirmation of a Ghost of Tsushima sequel.
Let's be TV worthy, boy.
The Dead Space Remake was released to both critical and consumer acclaim on January 27th, 2023, and according to EA Motive, the game only took about 2.5 years to develop. With Dead Space‘s recent success, the development team took to Reddit to participate in an Ask Me Anything. While a number of topics arose such …
Developers hit the fabled Gold status milestone.
Developers are still chipping away at the Fable reboot.
WB Games continues to refrain from preloading on PC platforms.
I don’t think Dead Space fans could have quite predicted how well the remake of the 2008 classic was going to perform. After the lukewarm reception of the series’ spiritual successor, The Callisto Protocol, all eyes were on EA Motive ahead of the Dead Space release on January 27th, 2023. It’s fair to say that …
Fans can still expect the development to proceed with new Forge mode updates.
Potterverse fans seem to be eager to get their hands on the game.
It's as good an educated guess as one can make, but it could easily be debunked by Rockstar Games as soon as tomorrow.
Fancy a new DLC-sized adventure in the Commonwealth?
Bioware may have felt the need to change things up to get the franchise up to date.
Could there be a DLC announcment planned?
A second demo for consoles and PC drops soon.
Ten days after release, the critical verdict is fairly unanimous.
Stephania Economou makes history as the first winner of the first video game Grammy.
Microsoft actually still expects smooth sailing with the EU and CMA, as opposed to the FTC.
Fans are excited for Arika's rollback netcode to bring a competition level online experience to Tekken.
A new look into Resident Evil 4 remake.