There is a whole lot to discover on the new planet introduced in the Starfield: Shattered Space DLC expansion including a new Main Story that involves House Va’runn. Upon arriving at the new system, you will need to prove yourself to its residents by taking part in a ritual as part of “The Promised, Broken” Main Story Quest. This mission as a few optional objectives and even a choice that will decide a massive component of the rest of DLC so allow us to walk you through it. This guide will provide a full walkthrough on how to complete “The Promised, Broken” Story Quest for the Starfield: Shattered Space DLC.
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How to Complete the “The Promised, Broken” Main Story Quest in Starfield: Shatted Space
“The Promised, Broken” Story Quest immediately after completing the DLC’s first mission, “What Remains,” which concludes with the space station known as The Oracle arriving at Va’ruun’kai. Go back to your spaceship, leave the station, and go to Dazra City on the planet’s surface. When disembarking from your ship, you will enter a dialogue scene with a guard and an NPC named Malibor Dul’kehf. Your dialogue choices don’t matter here but eventually, a Phantom known as Anasko Va’runn will appear to talk to you. When your conversation with him is done, Malibor will be shocked that you can see the Phantom and will invite you into the city.
Believing you to be the savior of House Va’runn, Malibor wishes you to join them which requires you to walk The Serpent’s Path. Follow Malibor through the city until you reach a cave with a door with engravings on it. Next to the door is another character named Inaza Kaisir. Talk to the Herald of the Serpent to begin your ritual and head inside the cave.

To complete the ritual, you must walk through the entirety of the cave while listening to Inaza. There are several optional objectives found while exploring the cave. Whether or not you complete these optional tasks doesn’t change the story but will provide some unique dialogue so you should do them all if you wish to truly complete The Serpent’s Path. Your first stop is at an altar near the cave entrance. Blow out a candle on the altar and progress through the door to the right.

In the next part of the cave, there is another altar that has the first optional objective next to it. You are told to “Cast Aside Your Burdens” which can be done at the Sacrificial Brazier to the left of the altar. Interact with the Brazier and throw any item you want into the fire to complete this step. Once completed, follow the path to the right of the altar to reach the next room.

There is another altar in the next room and to the right is a path that leads to a gap. Jump across the gap to complete the second optional objective, “Make a Leap of Faith.” The gap is a bit big so make sure to get a good jump and use your jetpack to get across.

At the end of the next cave which has multiple small buildings, there is a shallow pond of poisoned water. Interact with the water to kneel in the pool and complete the “Contemplate the Shrouding” optional objective

In the next part of the cave, a small Groat creature will be released from a cage that you need to kill to complete the final optional objective, “Sacrifice the Groat.” Progress to the door at the end of the cave to find another door that leads to the Ritual Chamber.

Inside the chamber are 4 Effigies sitting on pedestals in front of an altar. You will need to pick up 2 of these Effigies and place them on two nearby pedestals to the left and right of the altar. You can pick any combination of 2 Effigies and put them on the pedestals to finish The Sepent’s Path ritual. The Effigy combination that you choose won’t change the story but will decide what your House Va’runn title will be during your time in the Shattered Space DLC. You can check out Gameranx’s guide on which Effigy to pick and what name each combination will give you here. Once the Effigies are placed, head out of the cave to find Inaza. Talk to here to officially conclude the ritual.

After finishing your dialogue with Inaza, continue through the cave and go up the stairs to find an elevator that leads up into the Mourning Ship cockpit. Here is where you can once again meet Malidor and the rest of the House Va’runn council. Once all the dialogue with Malidor and the rest of the council is finished, head out of the council room, go back to the elevator, and go to Darza City.

Follow the objective marker to find an NPC named Ekris Kaisir. Talk to him and upon completing your conversation, “The Promised, Broken” Main Story Quest will be completed and the “Aligning the Houses” Story Quest will begin. You will be rewarded with Credits, 350 EXP, and the Va’ruun Schimaz melee weapon for completing “The Promised, Broken” Quest.

Stay tuned to Gameranx for more news, updates, and guides for Starfield: Shattered Space as well as other great games in the future.