Rumor: A New Dead Or Alive / Ninja Gaiden Reboot or Remaster Could Be Announced Soon
We wonder if Team Ninja has some novel idea to reboot the franchise.
We wonder if Team Ninja has some novel idea to reboot the franchise.
New missions, features, and gameplay enhancements are on the way later this week.
Creating the team's first open-world game wasn't all smooth sailing.
It really isn't what you expect from Team Ninja and PlayStation.
The one-minute trailer also shows off some impressive cutscenes from the Team Ninja title.
Most of the trophies seem to be achievable at any skill level.
This may be Team Ninja's most personal project to date.
Clash like your life depends on it!
There may be political reasons that Sony chose to make this response.
This was an issue Sony could have avoided completely if they had properly vetted their marketing materials.
This one may not be the power fantasy you think it's going to be.
This is par for the course for PlayStation Plus I guess.
It's the Japan - Korea connection you didn't know you wanted.
Steam tracking has already indicated a dropoff in players, but that's normal, and Wo Long can still see sales accumulate in time.
Team Ninja has been wanting to make games like Wo Long and Rise of the Ronin for a very long time.
The trophies seem to hint at a straightforward narrative, interesting given its focus on exploration.
A second demo for consoles and PC drops soon.
17 minutes of brand new gameplay emerge.
Wo Longing to play this on day one.
Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty will be a major showcase of Chinese mythology to the video game world.