Hogwarts Legacy Sequel Will Be Tied To HBO’s 2026 Harry Potter Show, And Is Now “A Very Big Priority” For Warner Bros
Warner Bros. is saying they're making Hogwarts Legacy the next big AAA.
Warner Bros. is saying they're making Hogwarts Legacy the next big AAA.
WB Games needs to make safe bets for now.
A different kind of elf on a shelf...
Yes, we know Floo Powder is awesome, shut up!!!
Ready to experience the magic in new ways?
Warner Bros Games stands as one of the few entertainment companies that still makes their own video games instead of licensing them.
There is no question that Hogwarts Legacy has been a successful game, in spite of the firestorm of controversy surrounding it.
The PC version needed sorely fixing as far back as the early access period before the official launch.
The recent release of Hogwarts Legacy has set many fans to the game for multiple reasons. The first reason is to experience the game and see if it’s everything that they have been promised. So far, it seems to deliver a fun, magical experience. The second reason many fans go to the title is to see how …
It looks like Portkey Games were trying to hide this from PC players ahead of time.
Hacking the Steam version to make this quest available now breaks the EULA, but isn't it crummy that it exists to begin with.
It seems there was a miscommunication within Warner Bros Games about PC preloading.
It doesn't sound like J. K. Rowling knew that Sirona Ryan was being added to the universe she originally created.
Potterverse fans seem to be eager to get their hands on the game.
Be evil, because why not?
Not everyone may care for these settings, but this is a choice Portkey Games made for their potential audience.
It may be well worth your while to take advantage of those four character slots after all.
It turns out the most well known and beloved of spells in the Harry Potter universe will be popping up in Hogwarts Legacy after all.
It's not that long as far as open world games go, but for Harry Potter fans there's some added value for them.
Hogwarts Legacy doesn't seem to be capable of running at a consistent 60 FPS, but console players have some leeway in improving performance.
That's just what you need so close to the release.
I want to ride a dragon!