Check Out My Friend Pedro’s Launch Trailer Which is Filled With All Types of Awesomeness
This is great animation!
This is great animation!
Are you ready for Iga's next game?
Learn the basics and quickly become a master musician in Cadence of Hyrule with our beginner tips and tricks.
Want to play as more characters? Don’t have a clue what those Deku Nuts are for in Cadence of Hyrule? I’ve got an answer to both of those questions — there is a secret character named Yves you can unlock, and you’ll need Deku Nuts to play as the little guy. With Yves unlocks, that …
Having trouble with the beat? You can disable the musical features of Cadence of Hyrule for a less rhythmic experience.
Cadence of Hyrule puts a beat to the adventures of Link — and it’s full of just as many mysteries as a standard Legend of Zelda game. This indie off-shoot randomized the land of Hyrule, meaning everyone’s game world will be just a little bit different. Well, not completely different, there are certain puzzles that …
Solve the mystery of the Lost Woods in Cadence of Hyrule -- here's how to navigate the lost woods.
Nintendo of America president brings up crunch industry standards.
The very best anticipated platformers coming in 2019.
Get ready for your next adventure on Nintendo Switch.
Nintendo highlights the new Animal Crossing and Ultimately reveals its delay.
The Witcher 3 just became portable.
New game mechanics highlighted in the gameplay demo.
Dragon Quest Builders 2 hits the marketplace in July of this year.
Yes, the Nintendo Wii is still receiving a version of the game as well.
Doom Eternal launches in November of this year.
Pick up Wolfenstein: Youngblood this July.
The game will continue to be free to play.
Playtonic has been tirelessly working on a sequel!
This is going to be tons of fun!
Monster slaying on the go?
A narrative driven vampire game suitable for veterans and newcomers.