Like A Dragon: Pirate Yakuza Team Talk Game’s Origins and Tone
"You can't make a serious Majima game..."
"You can't make a serious Majima game..."
Time to party and mingle!
Avast! To battle we go!
Like A Dragon...? Not even a good copy of one.
Sometimes, you can tell that a video game will be fun just by looking at the trailers and seeing all that will happen within it. When Like A Dragon Pirate Yakuza In Hawaii was revealed, franchise fans knew that the team had once again struck gold, pun intended, and wanted to see just how far …
No memories? No problem! You have a pirate ship!
It's not easy being a pirate Yakuza...
Right after the Majima tease, fans are getting even more.
Did they ask how long his tongue was during casting?
Yes, Joe is gonna kill you!
Even THEY were weirded out by it all!
Because who doesn't want to hang out with cool older guys on the streets of Japan?
But hey, it's cheaper than you'd think!
Arguments can lead to a better game, it seems.
More information about the future of the Like a Dragon series will be revealed.
The actors say they wanted to make their own version, but...what's the point of an adaptation if you're not adapting?
It's unclear whether the name refers to a new Like a Dragon title.
Before it was "Like A Dragon," it was just trying to get made!
Real or fake? We'll find out soon...
Having your own in-house system sounds pretty nice.
Find what you do well, then build on it!