Civilization VII Reveals New Gameplay Trailer And PS5 Control Scheme
How to literally control your empire.
How to literally control your empire.
Yes, it was an intentional scene they made!
Nintendo wasn't a fan.
It's just not sustainable to deliver these massive games.
It looks like this company is going through some things themselves.
We may actually have to start considering the prospect of video games without Ubisoft.
Is this.... CPU spoilers? Why are we getting CPU spoilers?
Honestly, if this rumor is true, Nintendo can clearly and easily change these plans.
This all bodes poorly for Ubisoft itself.
It's a rough but predictable choice for an Ubisoft in crisis.
Sony knows how to throw a party
Some of the best games to have released this past month.
Legions of handhelds are in the wings.
Another look at what Don't Nod has cooking up.
Time to take things on the road!
The Super Earth Rollercoaster Continues!
The latest in a series of furry treats!
Shortly after the addition of Diddy Kong's Quest and F-Zero X