Nintendo has been consistently adding music to its Nintendo Music app. Subscribers can listen to songs from some of their favourite games. Nintendo has just added music from Splatoon 2.
As shared by Nintendo on their Nintendo Music website. All of the tracks from Splatoon 2 are now live. This update includes 105 tracks from the game and will run a total of 3 hours and 34 minutes. Also included in the update is the soundtrack for the Octo Expansion.
Splatoon 2 is Nintendo’s wildly popular First Person Shooter, it was released on the 21st of July 2017. It scored an 83 on Metacritic. This fast-paced shooter sets players against each other as they dash across the map trying to cover each other and the map in paint. All of that frenzied shooting and running is set to a fast, upbeat, catchy soundtrack that is almost impossible to get out of your head.
Sadly the music app only works for those who have a Nintendo Switch Online subscription as well as an active Nintendo account. So keep that in mind if you don’t have a Switch Online subscription. There is usually a free 7-day trial available thereafter 1 month will cost $4, three months will cost $8 and twelve months will cost $20.
If you’re in the mood for some music from your favourite game, then the Nintendo Music App might be for you. Just remember the prerequisites. If you’d like to find out more about previous additions to the app, click here.