Even though a Religious victory type has been left in Civilization 6, religion still plays a part in progressing through a Civilization 7 campaign. In Civilization 7, you have pantheons and Altars to work with.
In order to get a pantheon, you must research Mysticism which will automatically unlock a pantheon. Mysticism also gives you access to the Altar to activate your beliefs. Just like Civilization 6, when somebody selects a pantheon, it will no longer be available to adopt by other leaders. As a general rule of thumb, it’s always beneficial to get your pantheon as soon as possible, giving you access to more options.
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Establish your beliefs in Civilization 7
Here are all the pantheons in Civilization 7 and the bonuses they provide:
- City Patron Goddess: +3 Influence on the Altar.
- Fertility Rites: +10% Growth Rate in Cities with an Altar.
- God of Healing: +5 healing for units on Rural tiles.
- God of the Forest: +1 Gold on Camps and Woodcutters in Settlements with an Altar. Warehouse bonus.
- God of the Forge: +10% Production towards constructing Buildings in Cities with an Altar.
- God of the Sea: +1 Production on Fishing Boats in Settlements with an Altar. Warehouse bonus.
- God of the Sun: +1 Culture, Food, Gold, Happiness, Production, and Science on the Altar.
- God of War: +15% Production towards training Military Units in Cities with an Altar.
- God of Wisdom: +1 Science on Quarters in Settlements with an Altar.
- Goddess of Festivals: +1 Culture on Quarters in Settlements with an Altar.
- Goddess of the Harvest: +1 Food on Farms, Pastures, and Plantations in Settlements with an Altar. Warehouse bonus.
- Monument to the Gods: +10% Production towards constructing wonders in Cities with an Altar.
- Oral Tradition: +10% Production towards training Settlers in Cities with an Altar.
- Sacred Waters: The Altar receives +1 Happiness adjacency for Coast, Lakes, and Navigable River tiles.
- Stone Circles: +1 Production on Clay Pits, Mines, and Quarries in Settlements with an Altar. Warehouse bonus.
Some of the pantheons have strong general bonuses. Goddess of the Harvest, God of the Forest, Fertility Rites, and Stone Circles are all examples of pantheons that can be optimized to rack up a huge amount of yields as you grow your empire.
Of course, some pantheons are situational. God of the Sea, for example, is only worthwhile if you are able to secure a solid amount of fishing boats in your empire.
When it comes to pantheons to avoid, we advise skipping those that provide solely Happiness benefits. This is because of the sheer number of other ways to generate Happiness in Civilization 7, that choosing an option exclusively for Happiness is a waste of a pantheon.