After working so hard with all the different Houses in Starfield: Shattered Space expansion, it’s time for the final battle. The last Main Story Quest of the DLC is called “The Scaled Citadel” and sees you battling your way through the titular tower. For those who need help getting through this mission, allow us to assist! This guide will provide a full walkthrough on how to complete “The Scaled Citadel” Main Story Quest for the Starfield: Shattered Space DLC.
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How to Complete “The Scaled Citadel” Main Story Quest in Starfield: Shatted Space
This Quest can be started when you have completed all the missions that are part of the “Aligning the Houses” Main Story Quest. The Quests that must be completed are the following: Conflict of Conviction, The Other Side, Zealous Overreach, and Exhuming the Past. once all of them are completed, go to the Mourning Device in Dazra City and talk to Ekris Kaisir. You will need to activate the cannon’s main power and then wait for him to charge the device. Once it is charged, pull the lever next to Ekris to aim the cannon. Wait for a moment and then press the big red button to fire the cannon at the citadel.

After the cannon has cleared a path to the Scaled Citadel, talk to Malibor Dul’kehf and the other members of the Council to prepare to advance on the tower. Once the dialogue scene is complete it’s time to go to the Citadel.

Follow the objective markers through the blue glowing rocks that surround the tower and take out any enemies that attack you. Eventually, you will reach the entrance of the Citadel. Head inside and meet with the phantom known as Anasko Va’runn.

Anasko will tell you to meet him on the Reactor Level found on the lower floors of the tower. Follow the objective marker further into the building and be prepared to fight a lot of Phantoms along the way. Eventually, you will find a door that leads to the research Level which you will need to pass through to find the Reactor Level.

After taking a few steps into the Research Level, the floor will enter a security lockdown. Go through the doors on the right of the entrance and follow the objective marker until you find the Vortex Research Lab Computer next to a hole in a wall. Attempting to override the Security Lockdown will tell you that you must destroy a Modulator. Go through the hole in the wall and follow the objective marker.

You will eventually reach a room labeled “Facilities.” Along the wall opposite the entrance is a switch you can pull to reveal the Modulator. Shoot and destroy it. Turn around and interact with the Facilities Computer to override the lockdown. You can now continue to make your way to the Reactor Level.

Fight your way through the many robots that are in the Research Level until you find the door that leads to the Reactor. Anasko will lead you to the Vortex Interlock console. Pull the levers and replace the Interlock to stabilize the Citadel.

Once the Interlock is replaced, follow Anasko into the room next door to find a hall filled with Phantom Pods. After talking to Anasko about his plan to launch a Crusade against the Settled Systems with an army of Phantoms, you can choose to side with home and release the Phantoms or you can turn off their life support. This choice doesn’t really matter as the mission will play out similarly with dialogue being different. Once your scene in this area is done and your choice has been made, you will be instructed to head up to the Pinnacle of the Citadel.

The objective marker will lead you to an elevator with an ID Card Reader. Interact with it to be shown where to find the ID Card. Go through the door to the left of the elevator and then go through another door to find the card on a desk. Return to the ID Card Reader and use the card to enter the elevator and head toward the DLC’s final confrontation.

Even if you sided with Anasko, you will need to battle him at the top of the building. He is backed up by a lot of Phantoms so be ready for a fight. You can shoot him all you want but you won’t be able to kill him. After surviving long enough, you will be instructed to overload the Vortex Gate. This can be done by destroying 4 Modulators found on the Gate. You can open up the protective covering that surrounds these Modulators by following the objective marker. Shoot the Modulators when exposed. When all of the Modulators are gone, you can now kill Anasko.

With Anasko dead, you must escape the Citadel before it implodes on itself. Once you make it out, you must once again meet with the House Va’runn Council. You will need to choose which House should lead: Veth’aal, Dul’kehf, or Ka’dic. While you can choose yourself, you will be denied by the members of the Council. Just don’t say none of them should lead because it will make them all hate you and turn Darza City into a hostile zone. You will also not get a reward. After choosing a House, you will also be able to decide if you want to begin the Serpent’s Crusade against the Settled Systems. If you decide to go forward with it, there isn’t anything noticeable that happens in the world but certain characters will be upset. With all of that done, you will complete “The Scaled Citadel” Main Story Quest and will have completed the Story of the Shattered Space DLC. You will get Credits, 350 EXP, and the Dazra Vacant House for completing this Quest.

Stay tuned to Gameranx for more news, updates, and guides for Starfield: Shattered Space as well as other great games in the future.