The new Starfield: Shattered Space DLC expansion has you going all across the planet of Va’runn’kai to help the Houses that make up Darza City. One of these missions is the “Exhuming the Past” Main Story Quest which will send you deep into an isolated dam with phantoms that don’t wish to let go. This guide will provide a full walkthrough on how to complete the “Exhuming the Past” Story Quest for the Starfield: Shattered Space DLC.
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How to Complete the “Exhuming the Past” Main Story Quest in Starfield: Shatted Space
To start “Exhuming the Past,” you must follow the Quest Marker that leads to the “Assist House Dul’kehf” part of the “Aligning the Houses” Main Story Quest. This can be found at the Halls of Healing building in the southeast part of Darza City.

Go inside to find the elevator at the end of the hallway directly in front of the entrance and take it to the Lobby 2nd Floor. Right outside the elevator is a character named Hasmak Dul’kehf. Talk to him to begin the Quest. He wants you to find a device to activate the Mourning Device.

You will be directed to the Ma’leen Dam found on a river to the southeast of Dazra City.

Follow the objective marker when walking around the exterior of the Dam until you find an ID Card Reader that can’t be opened. There is a kid named Comrak Abbas who can be found walking around the Dam will will tell you that a Keycard is needed to enter the Dam.

He will steer you to the Abbas Seaweed Farm south of the Dam and built on the same river as the Dam. Follow the objective marker in the farm to find Kaviil Fahrzanas and talk to him until he gives you the Dam Access Card. Return to the ID Card Reader and make your way inside Ma’leen Dam.

Once inside the dam, go down the stairs and make your way to the metal platform to the left of the bottom of the stairs. Jump over the left railing and stick to the left wall to find a hallway that leads deeper into the dam.

At the end of the hall, drop down to the floor below and then go through the passage that leads to a room with a red pipe along the opposite wall. Jump onto the pipe and go through the opening at the top of the pipe. Follow the path to the left and go past several pieces of construction equipment. This leads to a flooded room with a control panel on the second floor to the right. Either take the stairs or use your jetpack to reach this control room.

Interact with the Computer and then go through the door on the right. There is a Modulator on the opposite wall that you need to shoot and destroy to progress. Once its destroyed, return to the Computer to drain the water.

Go down to the bottom of the now-drained room and find the red security door. To the left is a Computer that will unlock the door. Right next to the Computer is the “RE: Modulator Installation” Text Log.

Go through the door, down the stairs, and through another door until you run into a Phantom named Karija Ma’leen. After the dialogue with Karija, turn to the right to find the “Expedition Log #1” Audio Log on a scientist’s corpse. Progress to the next room and Karija will appear again and will be hostile. Defeat the Phantom.

In the next room, there is a Teleportation Experiment that must be completed to gain a Keycard to open a locked door. Read the Computer to the right of the teleporter to learn that the code that performed a successful teleportation was 2-3-5 but due to the Hydroelectric’s low power, you must add an additional 100 to compensate. This means you must enter 3-3-5 to the terminal to the left of the teleporter to get the Keycard to appear.

Progress through the unlocked door until you reach another Modulator and once again run into Karija. Along with another Phantom named Vedrasa Ma’leen, they will both attack you. Defeat both of them and then read all the files on the Computer. On the left of the Computer are Vortex Interlock Consoles that you will need to open to get a Vortex Interlock. One of these consoles is already open and while there isn’t an Interlock inside, there is a dead body with the “Expedition Log #2” Audio Log. To open these consoles, you must destroy Modulators like the one seen when draining the water.

Go down the hallway to the right of the opened console and follow the path until you enter a room with a red Emergency Door on the wall. Before climbing the boxes to reach this doo, there is another dead scientist with the “Expedition Log #3” Audio Log. Shoot the corners of the Emergency door to destroy its hinges and enter the next room.

There will be three Phantoms in the room with the Modulator: Karija, Vedrasa, and Draqir Ma’leen. After a dialogue scene with them, they will attack you. Defeat them all and then destroy the Modulator on the back wall.

Return to the console and open it to get the Vortex Interlock found inside. Karija will appear one last time and ask you not to take the other Interlock. You can choose to either leave with the one Interlock or get another.

If you decide to take the other Interlock, defeat Karija and then open the door to the left of the console you just opened. destroy the Modulator behind the door and then take the Vortex Interlock from the final console.

Leave the Ma’leen Dam and return to the Mourning Device. Talk to Ekris Kaisir to turn in the mission and conclude the “Exhuming the Past” Main Story Quest. You will get Credits, 350 EXP, and the Va’ruun Penumbra weapon for completing this Quest.

Stay tuned to Gameranx for more news, updates, and guides for Starfield: Shattered Space as well as other great games in the future.