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- All The Lost Steppe Treasure Locations in Star Wars Outlaws
- Shipjacker Workshop #1 – A-A5 Speeder Paint Job
- Shipjacker Workshop #2 – Valuables, Materials, Credits
- Shipjacker Workshop #3 – Codebreaker Chip Key Part
- Shipjacker Workshop #4 – Shipjacker Trailblazer Fuel
- Smuggler Cache 22 – Valuables, Materials, Credits
- Hutt Cartel Storehouse – Tracking Transponder Quest Item and Credits
- Pyke Stockroom – Valuables, Materials, Credits
- Pyke Poaching Station #1 – H-M Engine Power Core Speeder Material
- Pyke Poaching Station #2 – Valuables, Materials, Credits
- Pyke Poaching Station #3 – Anaxes Ruffian Belt Gear
- Jet Kondo’s Legacy – Scoundrel Belt Gear and Jet Kordo’s Legacy Part 2 Collectible
- Smuggler Cache 52 – Valuables, Materials, Credits
- Pyke Guardhouse – Valuables, Materials, Credits
- Typhon’s Rock – Tooka Paw Minor Charm
- Smuggler Cache 18 – Valuables, Materials, Credits
- Flyer Ridge #1 – Ancient Hunter Carving Major Charm
- Flyer Ridge #2 – BT-009S Fastshot Trigger Blaster Key Part
- Hermit’s Hollow – Weathered Finish New Trailblazer Paint Job
- Amberine Cave – Toshara Ruffian Pants Gear
- Elario’s Stash – Valuables, Materials, Credits
- Desolate Cave – Shadow Order Speeder Paint Job
- Smuggler Cache 88 – Valuables, Materials, Credits
- Gushiro Canyon – Secret Amulet Nix Treasure
- Smuggler Cache 20 – Valuables, Materials, Credits
- Smuggler Cache 39 – Valuables, Materials, Credits

The Lost Steppe region makes up a large portion of the southwest part of Toshara, the first open-world planet that players will visit in Star Wars Outlaws. This area is absolutely stacked with Undiscovered Treasures to find. From cosmetics to weapon upgrades, players who want to experience everything this game has to offer will want to know where to find these Treasure Chests and this area has a lot of them. So, allow us to help out! This guide will show players where to find all The Lost Steppe Treasure locations in Star Wars Outlaws.
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All The Lost Steppe Treasure Locations in Star Wars Outlaws
The Lost Steppe region of Toshara has a total of 25 Treasure Chests for players to discover, making it the area with the most discoverable Treasures on the starting planet.. The rewards found can be some of the many different collectibles such as Speeder Trophies, Trinkets, Nix Treasures, and Gear Items. Some other items that can be earned from these chests also include Key Items, Crafting Materials, sellable Valuables, and Credits. Here is the full breakdown of where to find all 25 Treasures Chests in The Lost Steppe.
Shipjacker Workshop #1 – A-A5 Speeder Paint Job
There is a point of interest known as the Shipjacker Workshop at the eastern border that connects The Lost Steppe to the Southern Falls region. Enter the mountain to find a large workshop area guarded by pirates. There are a total of 4 Treasures in this area so we suggest clearing out all the pirates to make it easier to get all of these items. These pirates aren’t affiliated with any of the Syndicates that you work with so there isn’t any penalty to your Reputation for taking out these enemies.

Once you have cleared out the Workshop, go to the second-floor west side of the base and look for a wall with orange moss growing out of it. This wall can be destroyed but will require the Bolt configuration for the blaster. Gameranx has a full guide on how to get the Bolt upgrade for the blaster here. Once you have the upgrade, return to the wall and shoot it with a charged shot to destroy the wall. The hole in the wall will lead to a hidden storage room with a lot of leftover droids. Among these scrapped droids is a Treasure Chest with the A-A5 Speeder Paint Job found inside.

Shipjacker Workshop #2 – Valuables, Materials, Credits
Still on the second floor of the Workshop, go to the northern end of the cave to find a door. Go through the door to find this Treasure Chest at the center of the room.

Shipjacker Workshop #3 – Codebreaker Chip Key Part
Directly to the left of the previous Treasure is a barrier that can only be disabled with the Slicer Kit. This piece of equipment is only unlocked upon completing the “The Slicer” Expert Quest. Gameranx’s full guide on how to get the Slicing Kit can be found here. Once the Kit is unlocked, slice into the data port to disable the shield and gain access to the back room. The Treasure Chest found inside has the Codebreaker Chip Key Part, an item needed to unlock the Slicer Kit Upgrade ability under The Slicer Expert.

Shipjacker Workshop #4 – Shipjacker Trailblazer Fuel
Go to the circular platform at the center of the workshop and look east. There is a button that will bring a box that is suspended from the ceiling toward the center of the workshop. Jump and grab onto the edge of the box and have Nix press the same button that moved the box to send it back to the platform that it started at. Drop down onto the platform, have Nix open a nearby shutter, and destroy the generator behind the shutter to disable the nearby barrier. Behind the barrier is a Treasure Chest with the Shipjacker Trailblazer Fuel color for your spaceship.

Smuggler Cache 22 – Valuables, Materials, Credits
This Smuggler Cache is hidden in a cave that, while the interior is technically in The Lost Steppe region, requires players to enter from the Southern Falls region. Go all the way to the south edge of the Toshara map in the Southern Falls and then head to the west. The entrance to the cave is found right at the bottom right corner of Southern Falls overlooking a cliffside. Go inside the cave to cross over into The Lost Steppe. Smuggler Cache 22 is found buried in the dirt.

Hutt Cartel Storehouse – Tracking Transponder Quest Item and Credits
This Treasure is unmissable since it is part of the “New Tricks” Story Quest. When this mission’s objective is to find a Tracking Transponder, go to the Hutt Cartel Storehouse and shoot a generator through the open window with an Ion Blast to power the door. Once inside, the Treasure is found next to the bed.

Pyke Stockroom – Valuables, Materials, Credits
From the Hutt Cartel Storehouse, follow the dirt trail south to find the Pyke Stockroom on the side of the road. Use the Data Spike to hack the door open and find the Treasure Chest next to the couch in the right room of the building.

Pyke Poaching Station #1 – H-M Engine Power Core Speeder Material
The Pyke Poaching Station is a large base that makes up a major portion of the southwest part of The Lost Steppe region. There are 3 Treasures found across the Poaching Station. The Operations Building is found at the top of the hill at the southern part of the Poaching Station and will be the landmark referenced to direct players toward the Treasures. The first Treasure is to the northwest of Operations. From the front door, take the path to the left, drop down the small cliff, and enter the building on the left. Inside is the Treasure Chest with a H-M Engine Power Core which is used to upgrade the Speeder bike.

Pyke Poaching Station #2 – Valuables, Materials, Credits
Go to the northeast of the Smuggler Merchant near the center of the Pyke Poaching Station and use the Data Spike to break into the building. The Treasure is found in the southeast corner of the building.

Pyke Poaching Station #3 – Anaxes Ruffian Belt Gear
The last Treasure found in Pyke Poaching Station can only be reached during the “Sabotage” Hutt Cartel Faction Quest which can be started after completing the “Underworld” Story Quest. Talk to Varrick in Makal’s Gambling Parlor and then meet with Monda outside the Poaching Station. Now, head inside the Operations Building by either getting a Keycard from the same building the first Treasure was found in or by using the Data Spike to break into the building from the back entrance. Go to the door to the left of the front desk. If the mission objective is to get the Pyke client data, the door will be unlocked and the Treasure Chest will be found in the corner of the room. The Chest contains the Anaxes Ruffian Belt Gear which will increase grenade-carrying capacity when equipped.

Jet Kondo’s Legacy – Scoundrel Belt Gear and Jet Kordo’s Legacy Part 2 Collectible
The former owner of the Trailblazer, Jet Kondo, hid several of his stashes across the galaxy with one of these Treasures being found on Toshara. These stashes are found as part of “Jet Kondo’s Legacy” Side Quest which can be started after completing the “The Wreck” Story Quest. Once ND-5 joins your crew, go to the workbench next to the side exit of the Trailblazer to find a Holotracker. Gameranx has a full guide on how to find Jet Kondo’s Vault on Toshara here. With the Holotracker equipped, it will display a location on the map that is found to the southwest of Typhon’s Rock. Here is a rock with Jet Kondo’s symbol carved into it.

Interacting with the rock will isolate a signal that leads to the Vault. Go to the southeast and down the cliffside toward an opening in the rocks shown in the image below. Go down the left path and drop down to the underground area. Stick to the left wall to find a keycard reader and insert the Holodisc to open a secret door in the overhead rocks.

Take the ladder up into Jet’s Vault. Hack the door found inside with the Data Spike to gain access to the Treasure with the Scoundrel Belt Gear and Jet Kordo’s Legacy Part 2 collectible. When equipped, the Scoundrel Belt will increase Bacta Vial and Grenade carrying capacity and also increase Stun Shot recharge speed. This Belt is part of the Scoundrel Outfit Set. When all 3 pieces of the Outfit Set will provide the added effect of greatly increasing the Super Cooling window and the first shot after a Super Colling deals double damage.

Smuggler Cache 52 – Valuables, Materials, Credits
With the first of Jet’s Vault opened, the Holotracker will now beep with a blue light when near a Smuggler Cache. Use this to help track down these caches including Smuggler Cache 52 which is found not too far from the Vault. From Jet’s Vault, go to the northeast to find a path that includes a small climbable rock wall. Once at the top of this wall, follow the path forward and look to the right of the road. There will eventually be a small hole in the wall with the Smuggler Cache buried in the dirt.

Pyke Guardhouse – Valuables, Materials, Credits
Take the dirt trail north of the Pyke Poaching Station and then turn right to head east. Along this road is the Pyke Guardhouse, a small building that is heavily guarded by Pyke Syndicate members and a door that must be hacked with the Data Spike to enter. Once inside, the Treasure Chest can be found in the corner.

Typhon’s Rock – Tooka Paw Minor Charm
Go to Typhon’s Rock and look for the two cliffs overlooking the road to the southeast. From the trail, climb the rock wall near the base of the cliffs, go all the way to the top of the northern cliff, and then jump across the gap to reach the second cliff. Drop down to the area below with the grappling hook to find the Treasure Chest with the Tooka Paw Minor Charm which will greatly reduce fall damage.

Smuggler Cache 18 – Valuables, Materials, Credits
Go back to the northern cliff mentioned above and look to the southeast. There is a hole in the wall of Typhon’s Rock that leads to the buried Smuggler Cache 18 at the end of a small path.

Flyer Ridge #1 – Ancient Hunter Carving Major Charm
Still on Typhon’s Rock, go to the southern edge of the landmark to find a wind tunnel. When the wind stops, run into the tunnel and stop at the wall on the left when the wind picks back up. Do this one more time by running to the wall on the right and then dropping down to the area below. Use the grappling hook to descend from a branch to enter the Flyer Hidge, a hidden area buried underground.

Go to the right and follow the path forward. This path includes climbing rock walls while avoiding heavy winds, jumping across gaps, and swinging from the grappling hook. There will be one area with a metal elevator and several orange rocks that can be destroyed with the Bolt Blaster. Destroy the rock in the southeast corner of the area and then have Nix open the panel behind the rock. While standing on the elevator, shoot the generator behind the panel with an Ion Shot to raise the elevator up. On this platform is the Treasure Chest with the Ancient Hunter Carving Major Charm found inside. This Charm increases the amount of Adrenaline gained from all sources.

Flyer Ridge #2 – BT-009S Fastshot Trigger Blaster Key Part
Go to the north of the previous Treasure and jump across a small gap to find the second Chest in the Flyer Ridge. Inside the chest is the BT-009S Fastshot Trigger Blaster Key Part which is used to upgrade the Bolt configuration for the Blaster.

Hermit’s Hollow – Weathered Finish New Trailblazer Paint Job
Go to the mountain to the southeast of the Pyke Guardhouse. Along the northern wall of this mountain is a destroyable wall. Shoot it with the Bolt Blaster to gain access to the Hermit’s Hollow cave. Inside is a Treasure Chest. This chest contains the Weathered Finish New Trailblazer Paint Job.

Amberine Cave – Toshara Ruffian Pants Gear
Return to the Pyke Stockroom. There is a dirt road that leads south and splits not too far from the Stockroom. Follow the western path into the nearby mountains. At the end of the path is a wall that can be climbed by hand and with the grappling hook.

Climb to the top of these walls to find another destroyable wall. Blow up the wall to enter the Amberine Cave and find the Toshara Ruffian Pants Gear inside of the Treasure Chest. When equipped, these Pants will decrease damage taken while sprinting while also providing an increase to Adrenaline gained from melee attacks. This piece of gear is also part of the Ruffian Outfit Set. When all pieces of the Outfit are equipped, there will be the added effect of gaining a grenade when out of grenades and not in combat for a certain amount of time.

Elario’s Stash – Valuables, Materials, Credits
There is a river that runs along the south edge of Jaunta’s Hope. Go to the west along this river to find a metal tower on a metal platform overlooking the water. On this platform is Elario’s Stash which consists of a single Treasure Chest sitting along the railing facing the water.

Desolate Cave – Shadow Order Speeder Paint Job
From Elario’s Stash, go southwest toward the mountain near the edge of the map. At the end of the road that leads to this mountain is a rock that can be destroyed with the Bolt Blaster. Blow a hole in the wall to enter the Desolate Cave and find the Shadow Order Speeder Paint Job inside the Treasure Chest.

Smuggler Cache 88 – Valuables, Materials, Credits
Go all the way to the westend of the the nearby river. In the shallow water to the south of the river is Smuggler Cache 88 buried in the dirt.

Gushiro Canyon – Secret Amulet Nix Treasure
At the northern entrance of the Pyke Poaching Station is a dirt road that goes southeast. Follow this path into the canyon to the south of a mountain east of the Poaching Station. Travel along this road while looking south. Along the south cliffside, there will be a rock wall that can be climbed. Nix will lead the way through Gushiro Canyon to the buried Nix Treasure. This path includes climbing walls, swinging across the canyon, and avoiding wind tunnels. At the very end of the path is a pile of dirt that Nix will dig into. Interact with the mound of dirt to get the Secret Amulet Nix Treasure.

Smuggler Cache 20 – Valuables, Materials, Credits
Go south of the Pyke Poaching Station along the edge of the Toshara map. Behind a large rock coming out of the ground is Smuggler Cache 20 buried in the dirt.

Smuggler Cache 39 – Valuables, Materials, Credits
Take the dirt road east of the Pyke Poaching Station and go into the Southern Falls region. Take this path to the northeast until the road is along the southern part of the mountain to the southwest of the Shipjacker Workshop. At the southeast corner of this mountain right at the border that leads back into The Lost Steppe is a set of stair-like walls that can be climbed up.

Follow the path at the top of these stairs to find a climbable wall. At the top of this wall is a small opening in rocks that can squeezed through, leading into a small cave. Smuggler Cache 39 can be found here buried in the ground.

You can now find all 25 Treasure locations in The Lost Steppe region of the Toshara planet in Star Wars Outlaws. Stay tuned to Gameranx for more news, updates, and guides for Star Wars Outlaws and other great games in the future.