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Last time we were messing around with Ryujin, we infiltrated Celt Corp, planted a bug, and dipped before anyone found out. In this next exciting episode (mission) in Starfield, you are taking to the stars, heading to Akila, and slipping some damning evidence in a locker just before an audit. It’s all go in the word of corporate espionage.
To complete this quest you are going to need a few digipicks and honestly, that’s about it. Like every quest in this chain so far, this quest is pretty straightforward. This guide will walk you through every step of the way, however, so you can nab yourself the best reward. You don’t want to make a mess and be burdened with a smaller payout now, do you?
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Heading To Laredo Firearms
Imogene wants you to head to Laredo Firearms on Akila. Turns out the eponymous Laredo has some secrets he would rather not get out. Here’s the thing though, Ryujin really wants to eliminate him from the market and surprise surprise, there’s an audit about to be undertaken. It would be really unfortunate if this evidence was found during the investigation.
Pack your bags, head to your ship, and fast-travel to Akila City. Follow your tracker to Laredo Firearms, or if you aren’t using it, enter the city and make an immediate right. You will find the shop on your right a little way down the road. Enter the building and your tomfoolery will begin.

Planting The Evidence
To plant the evidence, you need to find the right place to stash it. Somewhere it won’t be discovered except by a thorough investigator. This place you are looking for is upstairs. Head into the back room, take a right and then an immediate left. You will see some stairs. Climb up and follow the corridor until you get to an open room.
There is a locked door and a chap walking around. You want this fella to not be looking when you hack the door, so just hold tight until he’s looking the wrong way. The door is of Novice difficulty, so shouldn’t be too much trouble. Once open, head to the footlocker, hack that too – again, Novice.
Transfer the evidence into the locker and that’s it, you are done here.

Return To Imogene
With all of that done, you are free to fast travel back to Neon. You can even do this from Laredo Firearms. Head back to Imogene and report on a job well done. She will pay you 2500c and reward you with a hefty chunk of EXP. Not only that but since you are quite the ghost, she gives your next mission, Access Is Key.
But for now, that’s all we have on Starfield. Be sure to check out our other guides, lists, and walkthroughs for more Starfield content.