BattleBit Remastered is a class-based massive multiplayer FPS with 127v127 game modes — and if you join up, you’ll die a lot. That’s just part of the game, but there’s a way to get back into the action. Uniquely, every class in BattleBit Remastered are equipped with self-revives. These items can stop bleeding from damage, but won’t actually heal you. If you’re downed, they’ll revive you. You can use them on allies or yourself to get back into the fight, but you’ll be an extremely soft target unless you get fully healed.
There’s only one way to get fully healed in BattleBit — you’ll need a medkit. Medkits are unique items only the Medic class can carry. These items can be used on players to (slowly) fully heal them or dropped on the ground like an ammo supply crate from the Support class. Once a medkit is deployed, all allies can use it to heal themselves. Incredibly handy in a big firefight or a tense defense situation. Learn more about healing and how it works in the full guide below.
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How Healing Works In BattleBit
Healing comes in two forms in BattleBit Remastered — Bandages and Medkits. All classes can access Bandages, but only Medics can equip Medkits. Medkits can be used on allies or shared with teammates by deploying. Medkits are the only way to heal. Bandages merely stop bleeding and allow you to revive yourself and others. Here’s a quick breakdown.
- Bandages Breakdown
- All classes have bandages equipped by default.
- Every class has 2-3 bandages. Medics carry 20 bandages.
- Bandages are selected with [3] key by default.
- Bandages are used to stop bleeding and revive players.
- Bandages can be used on yourself by [left-clicking] to stop bleed or to self-revive.
- Bandages are consumed after each use. Bandages can also be used on allies.
Medkits are the real deal. With medkits, you can fully heal a damaged ally or fix yourself up in the middle of combat. Remember to stay low while applying healing — and if you’re healing another player, they’ll want to stay low too.

- Medkits Breakdown
- Medkits are used to heal allies to full health. Medkits can also be used on yourself.
- Medkits are selected with [5] by default.
- Medkits are the only way to increase health — bandages are only used to stabilize.
- Press [X] to deploy a Medkit. Once deployed, anyone can interact with the medkit to fully heal.
- Healing with a medkit takes several seconds.
There’s a useful trick everyone should know about reviving allies. You can drag allies with [F] — and you can remap the keybinding for using bandages to the same key.
- Healing Trick
- Rebind Bandage and Drag to the [F] key so you can drag allies out of danger while also reviving them.
If you want healing, you’ll need to find a Medic in BattleBit. Bandages are great for getting back up after being downed, but they won’t help you fully prepare for a real firefight. Always have a Medic in your squad — they’re essential!