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Resident Evil 4 Remake adds a new layer of side-quests to complete for the Merchant — that creepy guy that’s seemingly everywhere. By finding blue papers posted to walls, you’ll get ‘Requests‘. By completing a request and returning to the Merchant, you’ll earn a unique currency called Spinels. Spinels can be used to trade for unique weapon upgrades and items in the Trade menu at any Merchant location.
The requests can range from shooting blue medallions to finding rare items. Many requests are different and give you the smallest clue to complete the quest. Some can’t be completed in the chapter they’re found in. You’ll have to hunt down golden eggs, giant fish, and ferocious dogs in your hunt to collect those incredibly valuable Spinels. Spinels are required to get great weapon upgrades like the Laser Sight for your handgun. Want to play the game like classic RE4? You’re going to need to complete requests.
More Resident Evil 4 Remake guides:
All Village Treasures | All Castle Treasures | All Castle Requests | All Island Treasures | All Island Requests | Free Red9 Location | Free CQBR & LE 5 Locations | Clockwork Castellan Locations
Chapter 1 | Requests

Request: Destroy the Blue Medallions
- Farm: Find the request on the giant windmill at the locked exit gate. You need to find and shoot five hidden medallions.
- Reward: Spinel x3

- Blue Medallion #1: Hanging in the window of the two-story barn. This is the same barn you’ll find the Wooden Cog Wheel.
- Blue Medallion #2: On the back corner of the save room building on the exterior.
- Blue Medallion #3: Look through the exterior windows of the one-story barn.
- Blue Medallion #4: Use the alternate door in the second story windmill to reach a small, curved balcony. Drop down, then turn around to find this medallion. This is the same area where you’ll find the Flagon treasure.
- Blue Medallion #5: Inside the small shed on the west side of the farm. This is in the barnyard with the spinning wheel pearl pendant treasure.
Chapter 2 | Requests

Request: Pest Control
- Abandoned Factory: The request is pinned next to the merchant stand outside the factory. The goal is to shoot three rats.
- Reward: Spinel x3

- Rat #1: One found in the hallway between the furnace room and the exit. You can use the knife to easily take out a rat without wasting ammo. If you approach a rat, it will run in circles and (sometimes) attempt to attack you. The knife is the easiest way to hit them during this state.
- Rat #2: Found in the room with two furnaces that you can open. Located right in front of the furnaces.
- Rat #3: Also found in the same room, near the pair of windows you can vault through.
Chapter 3 Requests

Request: Viper Hunter
- Town Hall: Behind the Town Hall, you’ll find the Merchant and his request on the opposite wall. He wants you to find and sell him three vipers. These are creatures that randomly appear inside item containers. Kill them to collect the body. To complete the quest, you need to sell the body to the merchant.
- Reward: x4 Spinel

- Viper #1: Town Hall – One appears in the small crate on the shelf in the Town Hall.
- Viper #2: Church – On the scaffolding south of the church, you’ll find a shack on the cliffside path. A viper is inside the small crate.
- Viper #3: Fish Farm – Vipers slither around ambiently in the Fish Farm area.

Request: Grave Robber
- Church: Located behind the Church, you’ll find this request pinned to the wall near the church ladder. This quest cryptically requests you destroy two emblems.
- Reward: x2 Spinel

- Emblem #1+#2: In the graveyard in front of the church, find a double gravestone. Shoot out both emblems in the circular opening.

Request: Destroy the Blue Medallions 2
- Quarry: The request is found right at the entrance to the Quarry. You need to shoot five more blue medallions in the Quarry and Fish Farm area.
- Reward: x3 Spinel

- Medallion #1: Quarry – Between the blue barred gate and the wooden exit to the Quarry, look up at the scaffolding above the rocky cliff. There’s a tricky-to-spot hanging medallion here.
- Medallion #2: Lake – At the dock near the merchant’s hideout, where you’ll first find the boat that needs fuel, stand on the jetty where the boat is located and turn toward the rest of the dock. The medallion is hidden under the wooden platforms and only visible from the lower section.
- Medallion #3: Fish Farm – Hanging in the east shack interior.
- Medallion #4: Fish Farm – On the southern edge of the Fish Farm area. Step onto the raised wooden platform with a wooden breakable barrel in the south-center of the map. Look to the right for a small crack in the wood.
- Medallion #5: Fish Farm – The final emblem is to the right as you approach the shack with the fuel in the Fish Farm. Crouch under the wooden platforms to reach the northwest corner of this area. The medallion is hanging on the wall.
Chapter 4 | Requests

Request: Egg Hunt
- Mural Cave: Found as you exit the cave and reach the boat dock. Pinned to the wall to the left. For this request, Leon needs to find a Gold Egg.
- Reward: x3 Spinel

- Gold Chicken Egg: Lake – Located at a chicken farm on the east side of the Lake area. This area is only available at Chapter 4. Look in the back-right corner after docking.

Request: Catch Me a Big Fish
- Lakeside Settlement: Unlock the Insignia Key door in the Lakeside Settlement area. There’s a request posted to the wall of the cave. For this request, Leon must find a special fish and sell it to the merchant.
- Reward: x4 Spinel

- Lunker Bass: Lake – Check for a very large fish just north of the Boat House on the southern shore. Use a spear, then grab the fish — it takes up space in your inventory. If you don’t have room, you can come back and get it later.
Chapter 5 | Requests

Request: A Savage Mutt
- Town Hall: A powerful dog mutant is found on the grounds outside the Village Chief’s Manor. To complete this quest, you only need to defeat the dog. You can go back toward the Village Chief’s Manor with Ashley to collect a treasure that was previously impossible to get.
- Reward: x8 Spinel

- Savage Mutt: Travel to the Village Chief’s Manor. The area is deserted. As you leave, the mutant dog will appear at the metal gates of the manor. Backtrack to the Village Square and the dog will attack. It is extremely tough so be prepared.
That’s all the requests for the Village. Next up is the Castle, where the requests get more complicated and deadly.