Saying Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty is a difficult game is an understatement. This Souls-like remix of Dynasty Warriors features brutally difficult boss fights. Beating the first boss alone is a herculean task — but if you’ve progressed to Part 3 there’s a method to totally smooth over the sudden difficulty spikes. Using a specific item (and more spells) you can effectively tank bosses, slashing away without a care in the world. Like the Nioh series before it, this game can be broken in half. Here’s one simple method for making every mid-game (and late-game) boss fight a breeze.
More Wo Long: Fallen Kingdom guides:
How To Beat The First Boss | How To Farm 1,000,000 Genuine Qi | Hidden Village Locked House Key Locations | How To Destroy Terra Cotta Soldiers | How To Make Any Boss Easier | How To Beat Lu Bu | Hardest Boss Tips | How To Fully Upgrade The Dragon Cure Pot
How To Farm Dragon’s Cure Powder | Easier Boss Fights Guide
Dragon’s Cure Powder is an additional healing item you can use to supplement your standard healing. These extra items apply a powerful regen effect on your health, allowing you to tank bosses and continue to attack.
- How To Get Dragon’s Cure Powder: Reach Part 3 to access the Shadow of the Sacred Mountain optional mission.
- Jump on the tall rocks to your right to collect the powder.
- Use the nearby Battle Flag to fast-travel back to the same location. The Dragon’s Cure Powder will respawn.
- Rinse and repeat until you have as many Dragon’s Cure Powder items as you want.
With Dragon’s Cure Powder in your quick-select bar, use it right at the start of a boss fight. To make these battles even easier, you’ll want a companion that can draw attention mid-fight. Preferably two. Use Dragon’s Cure Powder before taking any damage, so the damage you sustain will be automatically healed as you fight. This makes bosses post-Part 3 a total breeze.
If you want to make bosses even easier, you’ll want to equip these useful spells. Certain spells buff you — use them before a boss fight. If you use any buffs before entering the boss arena, make sure to skip cutscenes as those count toward your total buff time. (Seriously.)
- Useful Spells:
- Enhanced Defense [Earth]: Reduces damage and prevents stagger from normal boss attacks. Spirit attacks and critical attacks will still lock you into an animation — so learn to parry those!
- Absorb Vitaliy [Wood]: Heal when attacking the enemy. Very powerful for exploration, but also makes tanking bosses easier when used in conjunction with Dragon’s Cure Powder.
- Calamity Bolts [Metal]: Reduces damage done by enemies.
Combine these spells and use Dragon’s Cure Powder to make bosses trivial. Give yourself more companions (2 max) and max out Morality, and most bosses will be a breeze.