The hardest boss in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty is Lu Bu. The greatest warrior of the pre-Three Kingdoms period is absolutely the hardest roadblock in the game — and maybe one of the hardest bosses of the year. Nothing else even compares to the challenge this guy presents. You must be perfect to overcome, and even that isn’t good enough. Unlike any other boss, Lu Bu is resistant to Fatal Strike. While riding on his horse (the greatest horse of the pre-Three Kingdoms period, naturally) Lu Bu will take no damage from taking a Fatal Strike, it merely knocks him off his horse.
There are more hard bosses in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty. By the end of the game, there are a few that might give you trouble. Even the last boss, who is legitimately dangerous, doesn’t take nearly as much effort to take down as Lu Bu. This guy is clearly the Ornstein and Smough of Wo Long. If you’re sick of Crushing Defeats, here’s a few tips we used to finally overcome this aggravating battle.
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Lu Bu Boss Guide | Hardest Boss Tips

Lu Bu is an overwhelmingly tough boss. He rides a giant horse, using a spear in combat. Breaking his Spirit and using a Fatal Strike will knock him off his horse — but won’t actually deal damage to his health meter. To deal high damage to Lu Bu, you need to counter his Critical Attacks while he’s on the ground, break his Spirit, and then deliver a Fatal Strike. If you stay too far from Lu Bu or leave him alone for too long, he’ll re-mount his horse. You must be aggressive, ready to parry, and know when to retreat.
Lu Bu has an enormous Spirit meter. Parry and Spirit Attack after his regular attacks to break his Spirit much faster. Spirit Attacks will slightly lower his total Spirit Meter. Parrying Critical Attacks does the same.

- Countering his Critical Attacks is very important. All of his Critical Attacks are slightly more delayed than they appear. Like all bosses, Lu Bu’s weakness is his Critical Attacks. They have long wind-ups, then he’ll charge directly at you and pause slightly before actually landing a hit. The timing can be tricky.
- Use Directional Parry to escape his combos. Use these to give yourself space and get away. Even if you take a hit or two, you’ll slip out of his range — his normal attacks deal very low damage.
Like any boss, parrying Critical Attacks is required to win. After deflecting his normal attacks, counter with small combos. Don’t overextend yourself when countering.

- Don’t Get Set On Fire: Lu Bu uses many Fire-based elemental attacks. His spear will light on fire for a short amount of time. When his Divine Beast is activated, play it safe — it takes several attacks before you’re lit on fire.
When you’re on fire, it deals a very small amount of damage-over-time. The worst part is that it makes you far more vulnerable to fire element attacks. Equip gear to give yourself fire elemental protection. Even a small percentage of fire element protection helps.
- How To Bait His Critical Attacks: Stay at medium distance. Get too close and he’ll only use his regular attacks. Stay too far and he’ll re-mount his horse or only use his arrow attacks. Fighting him while he’s mounted has its own advantages, but if you want him to use Critical Attacks against him, you MUST stay medium range. He’ll pull out more Critical Attacks if you hang back (but not too far) and bait them out.
- Stay RIGHT outside his normal spear attack range.
When dismounted, fight from the sides of the arena to avoid Lu Bu’s horse. The horse circles the arena in the center, and if you try to fight in the middle, you can accidentally get knocked over or blindsided by the circling horse.

Generally, Lu Bu is much slower on his horse. He moves fast, but his attacks are ridiculously slow and easy to parry. Even his basic attacks have a long recovery period. You can attack his flank after one of his standard attacks to damage him. The fight is actually easier but takes much longer if you never break him. Breaking Lu Bu while mounted causes him to fall off his horse.
- Practice Makes Perfect: Practice, practice, practice. Fight Lu Bu until you can counter his Critical Attacks. If you can regularly counter these attacks and fight him until he’s down to 50% or 25% health, then you can take the next step.
- Once you’ve practiced fighting Lu Bu, grind Morale to reach Morale 25. Next, summon Reinforcements to help. The higher their Oath the better. You can summon two Reinforcements maximum to help. They will be able to deal damage, and with two Reinforcements you can easily revive one when they’re downed.
Use every tool you can to beat Lu Bu. Destroying Lu Bu solo is one of the most difficult challenges in the game, but I recommend trying it until you’re ready. Don’t waste your time boosting Morale or Reinforcements when you’re bound to lose them — understand Lu Bu, get down parrying his attacks and Critical Attacks, then use every advantage you can. Just knowing how to bait Lu Bu’s Critical Attacks makes him much, much more beatable.