The Dead Space remake doesn’t just add a gleaming new coat of paint to a survival-horror classic, it also adds a totally new exploit that you can take advantage of for infinite free cash. This is a singleplayer game, so this hilarious trick isn’t hurting anyone — and it is hardly the most effective way of playing the game. If you have a lot of patience, you can use this trick to effectively earn endless profits from the humble Pulse Rifle. It is extremely funny to fully max-out everything you can from the very beginning of the game. If that’s the sort of thing you’re into, here’s a full explanation to get you started.
This trick was shared by u/MrThrowawaymcgee and it is extremely clever. This is an old-school, silly trick that really isn’t a glitch at all. This is just using the mechanics of the game as they’re intended. If you want to spend your time farming for cash to give yourself an advantage later, that’s totally up to you. Not that you ever really need to do that, but any trick is worth it to overcome the painful Impossible Difficulty. Maybe you deserve a break if you’re attempting the impossible.
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Cash Farming Guide | Pulse Rifle Trick
To farm for infinite cash in Dead Space, you’ll first need to acquire the Pulse Rifle and a node. You only need one node and enough cash to reset your nodes from any Bench. This method is extremely simple but can look pretty complicated if you’re not familiar with all the concepts. We’ll start by explaining exactly how to pull off this trick, then explain why it works.
- NOTE: While you may only need a node to get started, it really helps to have about 20~ nodes available to use on your Pulse Rifle to get the most out of this method.
To follow these steps, first find a location with a Bench and a Store. This method can be done very early in the game to farm for infinite cash. Here are the basics steps to make this trick work.

- Money Farming With The Pulse Rifle | The Basics
- Use the Pulse Rifle secondary fire Proximity Mine to plant a charge on the ground. This costs 25 ammo.
- Plant Proximity Mines until you have no more ammo.
- Collect the Proximity Mines to gain stacks of 25 ammo in your inventory.
- Use the Bench to refill ammo for free by using a Node. Place a Node in the Cap upgrade.
- Repeat with your full stack of ammo.
- Reset the node and place again to refill ammo when you’re out or use another node on another Cap for free ammo.

Why does this work? The first upgrade for the Pulse Rifle is a Cap (Capacity) upgrade. This gives you a full magazine of ammo for free whenever you activate a capacity node. Normally, you can’t profit off this trick. But, with the Pulse Rifle, you can make a profit off this free ammo. This only works with the Pulse Rifle, because the Pulse Rifle is the only gun you can empty and re-collect the ammo. By launching Proximity Mines with the secondary fire on the Pulse Rifle, you can re-collect the mine and then sell those pick-ups for profit.
After selling off the ammo, simply reset your nodes and refill ammo by replacing them. The more nodes you have and the higher your Pulse Rifle capacity, the more money you’ll make. On Hard Difficulty, Pulse Rifle ammo sells for $25 per ammo unit. That’s $2,500 for a 100 ammo stack. Once you get enough nodes to increase the Pulse Rifle capacity to maximum, each free stack of ammo with a node placement can earn you multiples of thousands of free cash. And that cash can be re-collected over and over again, earning more until you completely max out your Pulse Rifle and reset.