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Tunic has to be one of the most unique and impressive indie titles in years. Though the game wears its The Legend of Zelda and Dark Souls influences proudly on its sleeve, Finji‘s adventure game sets itself apart with a unique gameplay idea that sees the player collecting the pages of its digital manual to learn how to play the game. The only catch is that even these pages are written in the made-up language of the game.
For this reason, players have to infer much of what they can do and even what their goals are in the game to a certain extent. Naturally, this means that it can take a while to figure out how to do even the most basic actions in the game… unless you’re reading this guide, that is.
More Tunic Guides:
How to Dodge Properly – How to Easily Kill Enemies – How to Beat the Garden Knight – How to Get the Shield – How to Beat the Siege Engine – How to Find the Magic Dagger – How to Level Up You Stats – How to Beat The Librarian – How to Use Coins & Wishing Wells
How to Run in Tunic
The main interactive button in Tunic can be used in a myriad of different ways. One of them is to run, though players might not realize it for a long time while playing the game. To run, simply hold down the dodge/interactive button while moving your character around with the analog stick. This will cause your little fox to double-time it, and even better, running won’t even burn through your stamina gauge no matter how much you use it.

How to Pray in Tunic
As you make your way through the overworld of the game, you might notice strange obelisks dotting the landscape. Though some are out of reach to you early on, the ones you can get to are interactive from the beginning of your adventure. All you have to do to activate them is stand still next to one and hold down the confirm/dodge button. This will cause a blue glow to appear around you and sink the pillar into the ground, activating whatever purpose it hides.
How to Warp in Tunic
While you might not realize there’s a fast travel or warp system in Tunic at all for much of your playthrough, the ability is actually available right from the start. You may have noticed certain gold platforms placed around the map in the game, and wonder of wonders, it turns out that each one of them is actually a fast travel point. Though you can only use the ones you’ve visited or activated, once again, all you have to do is hold down the confirm/dodge button while standing still on one of these platforms to activate it.