If you want to survive your adventure across the post-apocalyptic world in The Last of Us Part 1, you’ll need a full arsenal of weapons. Each weapon has a different use — the revolver might seem useless at first, until you realize it has a completely separate ammo pool. The bow is extremely slow to fire but can be used to defeat enemies at range totally silently. The hunting rifle is accurate but can’t be fired quickly. And then there’s the Diablo handgun, or the flamethrower as your exotic weapons found in the second half of the game. All the weapons are useful, so you won’t want to miss a single one. Here’s how to get them all as early as possible.
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All Weapon Locations | Complete Arsenal Guide
Weapons and recipes may appear multiple times in your adventure. Guns will appear more than once — the locations listed below are the earliest location you can find these extra tools. If you miss a gun, it will often appear in an easier-to-find location later on. All guns and recipes listed below can be missed and aren’t given to the player automatically.
- Revolver: Outskirts (Downtown) – Climbing across the skyscraper exterior, you’ll enter a stairwell and go down. In the hallway below, you’ll find a dead body with this revolver. The revolver is a weak, slow weapon that is useful as a secondary pistol. Both handguns have separate ammo pools.
- Molotov: Outskirts (Downtown) – In the subway station, while prowling, Tess will point her flashlight at a dead body with this molotov. Picking it up unlocks the recipe for crafting. Molotovs are firebombs that burn enemies alive. They will auto-target on enemies like bricks and bottles.
- Hunting Rifle: Outskirts (Capital Building) – Early in the building, after leaving Tess behind, you’ll need to jump from a wrecked wall into another room below. To the left, you’ll find a dead body with this rifle. A squad of soldiers will break into this room soon.
- Bow: Bill’s Town (The Woods) – At the barrier, you’ll climb a ladder up onto a truck. On the top, behind the chair, you’ll find the bow. The bow is a weapon that takes time to draw and fire but is totally silent. The drop-off over distance is severe. A very useful stealth weapon.
- Smoke Bomb: Pittsburgh (Alone and Forsaken) – Found on the shelves early in the stage, after escaping the first encounter. Check the room above where the dead bodies are stored on metal tables. The Smoke Bomb is an emergency weapon you can use to stun enemies and grab them or create a smoke cloud that temporarily stuns and blocks vision.
- Shorty: Suburbs (Sewers) – In the sewer survivor camp, jump the barrier after the noise trap is set off. The Shorty is on the table to the left. A one-handed shotgun with a powerful spread. Very useful against infected. Used a separate ammo pool from the standard shotgun.
- Diablo: Tommy’s Dam (Hydroelectric Dam) – Found right at the start of the stage, near the dead body by the crashed ranged vehicle. Can also be found later in the stage to the left of the workbench. This is a one-handed revolver with a scope. Powerful and accurate, it is very good for taking out enemies hiding behind cover.
- Flamethrower: University (Go Bighorns) – Early in the level, progress until you reach a blue barrier your horse can jump over. Instead of jumping, go right into the loading dock. There’s a workbench here and a flamethrower weapon you can collect. The flamethrower is extremely powerful against infected. It’s less useful against humans, but still burns them fast if you can get close enough.
- Assault Rifle: Firefly Lab (The Hospital) – Carried by the Firefly soldiers in the lab. Every soldier carries one so you can’t miss it. The most powerful weapon in the game. You’ll need it to survive against the Firefly troops in the hospital.
And that’s all the weapons you can potentially miss. If you do miss a gun, make sure to thoroughly explore the environments and you may be able to find another instance. It isn’t lost forever.