If you thoroughly explore the second realm of Sky: Children of Light, you’ll find one of the coolest new sub-areas of the game. The Sanctuary Islands are a massive zone filled with caves to explore, and you can restore this lonely region back to its former glory by completing a series of small quests. The Sanctuary Guide sends you to find clues and hidden Memory Fragments all over the islands. It’s very possible to get lost, so we’ve got a full guide explaining where to find each clue and each fragment. Just keep scrolling to find all the info below.
You can download Sky: Children of Light free on Nintendo Switch, iOS and Android devices.
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How To Complete The Sanctuary Guide Quest | All Memory Fragment Locations
The Sanctuary Guide is located in a sub-area called the Sanctuary Islands. To access the islands, go to the Daylight Prairie and enter the Bird’s Nest area through the 4/4 Constellation Gate. You need to complete 4 spirits in the Daylight Prairie to gain access to the Bird’s Nest. At the far end of the Bird’s Nest, there’s a path leading to the Sanctuary Islands.
You’ll find the Sanctuary Guide on the main island below, near a strange structure with hanging bells. Talking to him will reveal a special quest chain.

Step #1: Go to the small island past the main Sanctuary Islands area — there’s a large flat rock with candles. Getting near shows you a clue — a picture of two rocks and a small pond.
- Fragment #1 Location: On the main island, circle around the main peak to find a waterfall and a pond that drains into an open cavern. The fragment is right behind the waterfall.

Step #2: The clue is located on a rocky island directly to the right of the Sanctuary Guide. Look for the white candles near a rock wall.
- Fragment #2 Location: Return to the clue islands behind the main island — there are three floating islands above them. Look inside the hole in the center of the larger of the three floating islands.

Step #3: This one is easy. Just find the candles to the right of the waterfall pond where the first memory fragment was located.
- Fragment #3 Location: Another easy one. Just drop down to the bottom of the waterfall cavern.

Step #4: Another easy one. This is on a grassy ledge right next to the bell structure next to Sanctuary Guide.
- Fragment #4 Location: The clue shows three whale tails — the whale tail rocks are locked directly opposite the clue. Just turn your camera to spot them!

Step #5: Use the geyser near the waterfall pond to fly very high and return to the very large island with a pond and two waterfalls. Fly into the cave under the waterfall facing the main island and you’ll find this clue.
- Fragment #5 Location: This one is tricky. Go behind the main island and enter the large cavern — deep inside, there’s a small island in the cave with a beached boat. You’ll find the fragment there.

Step #6: The final clue is in the large cavern behind the main island. Drop down behind the Sanctuary Guide and then enter the cavern filled with spirit jellyfish. To the left of the spirit, get close to the lit candles.
- Fragment #6 Location: The final fragment is far off in the distance above the main island. Fly up to the island where clue #5 was located, then look up and right for a rocky ledge with three waterfalls in the clouds. Fly into the clouds to gain infinite light and flap up to the top of the waterfalls. The fragment is on the shore next to the pond feeding those three waterfalls.
Turn in all the fragments to completely restore the bells. For each bell you ring, more wildlife will return to the Sanctuary Islands. There are birds, flying whales, and much more — all these critters make it much easier to fly around. Especially with the giant spirit whale.
And this quest gives you an excuse to fully explore one of the coolest areas in the game.