Garden of Salvation Table of Contents:
- First Encounter – Chase The Consecrated Mind
- Second Encounter – Draw Out The Consecrated Mind
- Third Encounter – Consecrated Mind | Boss Fight
- Final Encounter – Sanctified Mind | Boss Fight
The Second Encounter – Draw Out The Consecrated Mind
- Step #1: Defend The Conflux & Learn The Enlightened Mechanic
When you reach the chamber with the objective to ‘Draw Out The Consecrated Mind‘, you’ll begin another special encounter. Here, you’ll find a central Conflux and three off-shoots.
- NOTE: If too many Vex enter the Conflux, your entire team will die. Don’t forget to defend!
Defend the central Conflux, and shoot incoming Vex. Kill Overflow Champions, and kill the Angelic to make the Tether Cubes unlock. Use two Guardians to connect the cube to the Conflux in the center — this will give you the Enlightened Buff.
How Enlightened Works: Certain Vex will have shields that make them invulnerable. The only way to damage them is with the Enlightened Buff. This buff lasts for 45 Seconds. It’s important that your team constantly tether themselves to keep re-upping the buff as this encounter continues.
- Step #2: Split Your Team To 4 Defenders, 2 Buffers
There are four Confluxes you have to defend all at the same time. To do this, assign one Guardian to each Conflux — these are the Defenders, and the remaining two are the Buffers that travel around, helping the Defenders re-up the Enlightened Buff by chaining tethers.
The Buffers can quickly move from one Conflux to another through the Vex Portals. After giving an Enlightenment Buff, the portals will open.
- Step #3: Defend The Center Conflux
After defending for long enough, the barriers will drop and a new fifth Conflux will appear in the center of this massive arena. Sprint to the center, avoiding those invulnerable Vex as best you can.
At the center, kill the Angelic Vex as usual to find a Tether Cube. Now all six Guardians can get the Enlightened Buff all at the same time. Defend this area until the battle is complete — you’ll earn another Raid Chest for your trouble.
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