- Maggoty Flesh
- Corpse Fly
- Wyrm bone
- HP: 203,800
- LP: 35
- MP: 999
- Clan Points: 6,930
Before entering this battle player’s should take the opportunity to stock up on Phoenix Downs, equip Black Mask, and give a party member Holy Lance with Berserk.
Hydro is a tough boss and it’s best that dispel is used from the start to remove the enemy’s Haste. Because this boss will pick off a party member for the most part until they die, you can use a bait-type party member, preferably the party member who was given Holy Lance and Berserk.
Healing spells are another great means to use against the enemy through the use of Reflect. Lastly, Hydro can use Darkra, but with the equipped Black Mask, you are able to absorb the Dark damage.