Are you one of the 10 million players who have dived into Bethesda’s new universe? What have been your highlights so far? Let us know below!
When it comes to the big AAA titles that companies have been potentially several years into making, they want nothing more than to hear that the games have done well sales-wise and are soaring into the history books in one form or another. Obviously, that doesn’t always happen, but it’s nice to think that it can with the title that you’re making. Bethesda took a big risk when they made Starfield because they were making a new IP for the first time in a long time and kept delaying the game so that it would be as good as possible at launch.
Thankfully for them, their efforts weren’t in vain. The game has soared to heights beyond what they could’ve imagined. We already know that the game was the biggest launch in Bethesda history, as it had six million players within a week if not less than that. But now, on Twitter, the Starfield team admitted that they were now over ten million players, which they were very pleased about:
As many have noted on Twitter and beyond, there’s a difference between “ten million players” and “ten million units sold.” It’s important to remember that the title is on Xbox Game Pass and has been since Day One. Not that this is a hindrance, far from it. But, as many have stated in the past, the Game Pass option technically takes away money from developers because it’s a low monthly rate to play numerous titles versus having to pay $60-70 for a single game.
Even with that caveat, that’s still an impressive number to get within the first few official weeks of launch. Remember, some people had early access for things like reviews. Bethesda can take heart that their title was worth it, and many are praising it as the “game of the generation” and other high honors.
That’s not to say that everyone is singing the game’s praises. Several people feel that the game is a bit “hollow” in certain facets, including how you have a “wide universe” to explore, and yet there’s little to do on many of those worlds. There are also complaints about the characters and how the animations of them look. Some even have terrible accents that are pretty insulting to certain cultures. PC Optimization was also brought up as a complaint, as it is full of bugs many have been pointing out online.
But at the very least, they’re playing the game to find out about those bugs.