Twitch has unintentionally let the word out that a demo for Resident Evil 4 Remake will be available in a few hours.

We did already know that Resident Evil 4 Remake will be part of the Capcom Spotlight Showcase to be held later today. Alongside Resident Evil 4 Remake, the Showcase will feature Exoprimal, Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective, Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection and Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak. This event will be held at 2:30 PM PST and will be streamed on YouTube, Facebook, and TikTok alongside Twitch.
However, what was not announced was attached to the end of the Twitch ad for Resident Evil 4 Remake. As covered by WCCFTech, the ad came with the words “Demo Available Now.” Of course, Capcom has not published a demo for Resident Evil 4 Remake quite yet.
That a demo exists should not be that huge a surprise in itself. Resident Evil 2 Remake and Resident Evil 3 Remake also had game demos prior to release.
The real surprise is that it would come out in this way. Either there was a mistake on Twitch’s end on releasing the video commercial with that information too early, or Capcom has been making mistakes in their promotion for Resident Evil 4 Remake in the background.
Unfortunately, that may actually be the case, given another recent snafu. Yesterday, we reported that GameStop cancelled pre-orders for Resident Evil 4 Remake Collector’s Edition. Those cancellations apply storewide and affect every order made in any physical GameStop store.
I’m bringing this up here because there have been more updates on the situation since. As shared by Wario64:
“According to an updated memo from GameStop, cancelled RE4 CEs includes “all Store reservations as well as a portion of fully paid online reservations”
Customers with an affected CE reservation can roll their reservation to standard edition with a $10 discount.”
Wario64 also shared proof from his followers that GameStop were already sending out notices that some people who preordered Resident Evil 4 Remake Collector’s Edition online also received notices their orders would not be fulfilled, and were simply refunded.
If these are all ultimately marketing snafus on Capcom’s end, it may not ultimately affect the reception of the game, but it will reflect poorly on Capcom. Hopefully Capcom can fix their issues, not just with the reputation of Resident Evil 4 Remake in mind, but to keep the goodwill of the fans for the company itself.
Resident Evil 4 Remake will be releasing on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Windows via Steam, and Xbox Series X|S on March 24, 2023.