GameStop has cancelled pre-orders in their stores for Resident Evil 4 Remake‘s Collector’s Edition.

As reported by Video Games Chronicle, the first news about this came from Wario64, who shared this information on Twitter:
“If you pre-ordered Resident Evil 4 Collector’s Edition IN-STORE at GameStop – they just issued a memo stating the CE won’t arrive in stores and will not be fulfilled/arriving.
Does not mention anything about online orders, so I assume online orders are not affected.”
He then followed up with this:
“per the memo, customers can move their reservation to another game, use the deposit as credit to purchase something else, or get a refund.”
Another Twitter user, RuleTime, shared this information on his Twitter:
“Called my local GameStop about the pre-orders for Resident Evil Collectors edition! Associate informed me that “All Orders Have Been Cancelled Across the Board” in-store!
Update: Saw what they sent out! Nothing about online orders, but will try to get more clarification”
In a response to someone else, RuleTime shared this as well:
“Calling customer service now to see what they say! The employee I spoke to on here gave me some news on it too! SO far it looks like there is stock online but it might be limited”
On our end, we were unfortunately unable to get our hands on the official memo GameStop gave out, but we found this other information shared by other fans who were looking forward to the collector’s edition.
Twitter user Ginger Hatchet made this claim about the sudden cancellation of pre-orders:
“So apparently @GameStop said that the cancelation of @CapcomUSA_ @ResidentEvil 4s collectors edition was because they were not supposed to be pre ordered in store and cancelled it 2 weeks before release instead of when it went live last year.”
The running speculation, of course, is that GameStop made a commitment to sell more collector’s editions via pre-order than they were actually available, because the company did not coordinate properly with Capcom. As of this writing, however, neither GameStop nor Capcom have made a public comment on this situation, so we cannot say that this was definitely the case.
We did find a comment on reddit from trexturtleowen, who claims that these preorders were also cancelled all the way in Thailand.
While we can’t confirm these comments either, it does raise the question; was this a failing by GameStop, or did something happen to the production of the Resident Evil 4 Remake‘s Collector’s Edition?
Resident Evil 4 Remake is releasing on March 24, 2023, on PC via Steam, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X|S. Clearly, there isn’t enough time for Capcom and GameStop to sort it out so everyone who preordered can get a Collector’s Edition in time for launch. Hopefully, if this just isn’t possible, both companies can give us more clarity on the situation soon.