There used to be no rating system for video games, which eventually caused a stink when particular titles showed “mature content” in one form or another. Fast forward to now, and you can’t publish a AAA game without having a rating on it. For Street Fighter 6, most can easily predict the rating it’ll get. In the past, it’s been rated “T” for teens due to the fighting and occasional intenseness of the storylines. Plus, there are some suggestive themes in the dialogue. The upcoming fighting game got its first rating in Korea and was labeled as “fit for 15-year-olds.”
That would align with the “T” for a teen rating in the US. Not a surprise, but it’s good to know that Capcom has kept things consistent in what they offer and show.
However, that doesn’t mean that the content for Street Fighter 6 will be the same as past entries, as we already know that won’t be the case. As revealed a while back, the sixth entry will feature many firsts for the franchise—the biggest being the ability to create your own fighter from scratch. In addition, a detailed character creator awaits you. You can make them male or female and then detail them from top to bottom to be how you want them to look. Make them cool, bulky, or funny. It’s all up to you!
Then, you’ll travel the world and learn moves from the game’s fighters! From there, you can mix, match, and battle it out to create your ultimate fighting style and prove you’re the true “world warrior.”
The online mode has also been heavily expanded. You’ll enter a place called the Battle Hub, where you can chat with and fight against the 99 other players that fill up that hub. You’ll also be able to set up tournaments for everyone to participate in.
Another first for the franchise is the multiple control schemes you can partake in. Of course, you can do the classic controls many veterans love to use. In addition, you can do more simplified controls or use “Dynamic Controls.” The last one will let you press a button, and the AI for the game will make a move based on your character and the distance you’re at. The new mode will allow players to have fun smashing buttons while not having to learn the ins and outs of the system to play.
Street Fighter 6 will arrive next year.
Source: Reddit