Although the last game in the Dino Crisis series came out over two decades ago, fans are desperate to bring it back to life. In an ongoing survey from Capcom, the company asks “Are there any Capcom game series (including spin-off games) that you would like to see get a sequel or new game?” Dino Crisis is at the top of the list of requested revivals, followed closely by Mega Man.
The survey will end on April 12. For those interested, Capcom has posted a word cloud on X highlighting the games that have been mentioned the most.

The response from Japanese players was a bit different, with overseas audiences asking for more Breath of Fire, Ace Attorney, and Sengoku Basara. It’s unclear whether any of this data will actually lead to new titles being developed, but given the fan fervor, the passion for these series may be contagious for Capcom devs.
While the first Dino Crisis game saw massive acclaim, Dino Stalker and Dino Crisis 3 weren’t recieved as well. 2024 marks the 25th anniversary of the series making it the perfect time for an announcement. As of 2019, the Dino Crisis series has sold over 4.4 million copies worldwide. The first game was ported to the PC and Dreamcast in 2000 and also re-released on the PlayStation Network in 2006.
The series was created by Shinji Mikami, known for his work on Resident Evil series. In 2010, Mikami left Capcom to found Tango Gameworks where he’s worked on The Evil Within, The Evil Within 2, and Ghostwire: Tokyo.