It’s no secret that every region has a ton of regional specialties for you to collect. These specialties are used in both cooking recipes and to ascend characters.Sumeru is a region that is filled with mushrooms, so it’s no surprise that you will need to pick some species to level up the regions cast. Rukashavva Mushrooms are one of the first regional specialties you will encounter while doing the Sumeru storyline, and below, we teach you where to gather them.
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Rukashavva Mushrooms Spawn Locations in Genshin Impact

Rukashavva Mushrooms can typically be found in several areas of Sumeru, but as you can see in the map above they are most common around the Lokapala Jungle. Another good spot to harvest the mushrooms is around Gandharva Ville. This is also the first location the Sumeru story will lead you to.
They are a fairly common island and are never in hard-to-reach places where they spawn. Thanks to this, it’s easy to gather them for the four-star Dendro bow-user Collei. Generally, there are several different characters that use the same specialty, so you should stock up even after ascending Collei to level 90.
Can You Buy Rukashavva Mushrooms in Genshin Impact?

Yes, you can buy Rukashavva Mushrooms in Sumeru. To do so, speak with Ashpazi, the cook located in Gandharva Ville. He sells the Rukashavva Mushrooms for 1,000 Mora a piece and has five at a time. As of right now, he will restock his store with mushrooms every three days. This is an easy way to stock up on extra mushrooms, but you will still need to go out and do farming on your own to keep a good stock.