Perfect Dark Port Could Very Well Reach the PC
The game's code has been reverse engineered.
The game's code has been reverse engineered.
It's the new Sea of Thieves adventure!
A Nintendo Switch release has also been confirmed.
Rescue Merrick from the Sea of The Dark Brethen!
Developer Rare has just released an exciting new video for the upcoming Season 7 of Sea of Thieves.
Witness the fall of Captain Flameheart in this new novel.
Is Rare unsure what to do with the next IP?
Are we going to finally see a remastered release?
Will we ever get a proper remake or a new installment?
Players can enjoy the game now through emulation.
Get ready to start the first official season.
Don’t count on Double Fine to bring this title out.
Would you like to see these two IPs return?
Battletoad fans, are you excited or what?!