Fallout Shelter Update 1.8 is Thematic
The Theme Workshop helps add a personal touch to your Vault.
The Theme Workshop helps add a personal touch to your Vault.
This PC even has a functional glass Coke bottle reservoir!
"An unspeakable killing force of skull-faced killing maims and kills his way through smart-mouthed, over-sexed, substance-abusing young adults."
Watch as both Emily Kaldwin and Corvo Attanoshowcase a few of the seemingly limitless creative combinations of their supernatural abilities, weapons and gadgets to escape from the Royal Conservatory.
Destiny 2 (PS4, Xbox One, PC?) has the potential to right the wrongs of Destiny and win over those who deemed the original a failure. But can it keep the longtime fans?
All confirmed PC specs for the game gathered in one convenient place.
This free update opens up the game world more than ever before.
Bust through "Breaking the Barrier" with our Level 4 collectibles guide. The Ghostbusters (2016) Story Pack continues, packing another 10 minikits to find.
Devs cut split-screen to focus on polishing overall game.
"That was actually terrifying." -Markiplier
Raid "The Mercado Building" in Level 3 of the Ghostbusters (2016) Story Pack. Here we'll help you final all 10 minikits, and the elusive Paul Feig rescue.
Eight of the game's developers are moving on to other projects, but plans for development to continue are in motion.
Watch Lara kick some ass in the newest trailer for the upcoming PS4 release of her game.
The Chinese-developed MMORPG is now available to Western gamers.
Enjoy "Ghostbusting!" in Level 2 of the Ghostbusters (2016) Story Pack, and get help finding all the collectibles with our minikits (and rescue) guide.
You can now be an early backer of Wasteland 3's development.
Take a closer look at the spiritual sequel to Planescape Torment.
You can watch the livestream for the upcoming expansion pack on the 6th.
We're gonna need a bigger hard drive.
What would you do, if you were responsible for the lives of many?
Ultimate Edition (includes every DLC for the game) arrives at the end of October.
Funcom wants to make scaring your friends into a competitive sport.
Pick up the fourth expansion for Endless Legend this October 14, 2016.