45 Online Co-Op Games To Make New Friends
Whether you like shooters, platformers, or RPGs, there are plenty of ways to make new friends online.
Whether you like shooters, platformers, or RPGs, there are plenty of ways to make new friends online.
Killing zombies isn't a hobby, it's a lifestyle.
Gather your friends, grab some snacks, and get playing.
Sometimes, you just want to have fun with friends.
Are you willing to give this IP another chance?
Their next game project is in active development.
Don't be scared now. Everything's going to be just fi...
Turtle Rock Studios took to Twitter today to provide players with a quick look at what new modes and cosmetics players can expect when Back 4 Blood‘s 3rd expansion, River of Blood releases on December 6th, 2022. While River of Blood will introduce a brand-new campaign story the main draw of the next expansion for …
What's more scary than No Hope matchmaking?
Almost time to get ready for Doomsday.
The co-op zombie shooter's second expansion launches this month.
Back 4 Blood gets a new update adding legendary accessories, player kicking and full deck draw.
Tunnels of Terror, the first-ever expansion DLC for hit zombie-killing multiplayer game Back 4 Blood has today gone live. As announced on Xbox Wire, the first major expansion for the game will be available from today for those wanting to expand their zombie hunting adventures. Back 4 Blood has only been out for the last …
The patch notes aren't short.
The world needs more co-op games.
This bleak scenery could use some glittering decorations.
Check out these latest Black Friday video game deals on the PC platform.