Nintendo Prepares For E3 2019 With New Webpage
Get ready for E3 2019.
Listen to the secret song 'Stormbound' here, and learn how to make it play with these hidden Easter egg coin locations.
Get ready for the first installment to The Dark Anthology.
Unlock all five of the available Survivors in Risk of Rain 2 -- here's how to complete every challenge.
There are a total of 40 Prayer Beads in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. Here's where to find them all to upgrade your HP to the maximum.
The Dancing Dragon Mask is a special item that unlocks an incredibly useful ability. Once you find all three parts, you'll be able to spend Skill Points to upgrade your attack power. Here's how to get the mask.
There are four different endings you can unlock in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. One of these endings is completely secret, and requires multiple hidden steps to earn. Here's how to get them all.
Free year subscription? I'll take that!
Red Dead Redemption 2 on the go?
Ubisoft will be present at E3 2019.
Download the update right now!
Are you still playing Gran Turismo Sport?
There is a third form for those 'God Hand' weapons in Ancient Evil. Here's how to unlock the ultimate final forms for all four Wonder Weapons.
There are five Headless abominations wandering the world of Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. Here's where to find them all, and what rewards you'll earn for defeating them.
There are optional, major boss fights that you can miss in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. Here's how to encounter every bonus boss.
Digital trade-ins coming for the PS5?
Cyber Shadow has the same Shovel Knight charm infused with its unique flare!
A mysterious Zelda title is in the works.
This is absolutely crazy!
Check out the reveal trailer right here!
Tips on how to complete all Season 8 Week 5 challenges.
Will you be participating in early access?
Unlock more healing charges for your Gourd in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice with these handy seed locations.