When it comes to squad-based online shooters, communicating can be a vital part of survival and team building. Being that these are pivotal aspects of a game like Helldivers II, it’s important to have a way to express your feelings toward your teammates, regardless of whether you feel like using a headset or a controller mic to speak directly.
That’s where emotes come in. As in games like Dark Souls and other Soulsbornes where you can’t talk to one another explicitly, a good old-fashioned emote can express your joy or disappointment during or after a mission. Here’s how to take advantage of the emoting system in this Sony sequel.
Other Helldivers II Guides:
How to Unlock New Weapons and Other Perks – How to Level Up Quickly – How to Join or Host a Public Game – How to Get Super Credits For Free – How to Destroy Fuel Silos – How To Take On Missions Solo – How Many Active Players Are There? – How to Get the Jump Pack
How to Use Emotes in Helldivers II

To start with, you’re going to need to select some emotes. To do so, go over to the armory while on a dropship. There, you’ll be given five options to customize your character’s look and feel. Select the third option, Character, and then scroll down to Emotes. You can select any emote from the ones that you have currently unlocked.
However, as with many things in this game, it’s not entirely clear how to use your fancy new emote. On PS5, you can do so by tapping the left button on the D-pad, while those who are playing on a keyboard will have a dedicated button that is set aside specifically for the purpose of using your emote.

The great thing about these emotes is that you can even use them on the ship. You know, in case you never got a chance to show your teammates how you felt about them while you were frantically fleeing giant bugs or armies of robots.
Though you only begin with one emote (the casual salute), you can eventually unlock others by going to the purchase menu and spending War Bonds to gain access to different options. At the moment, there are six emotes available, and they can all be purchased from the War Bonds board on top of the Casual Salute, which you start with automatically.
The other five are Explosive Handshake, Hug, High Five, Scout Handshake, and Rock, Paper Scissors. This is also the order that they will unlock for purchase, being that each page of the War Bonds menu is tiered off based on how much you’ve spent. Anyway, that’s it, now get out there and show everyone how you feel.