Not all levels in Super Mario Wonder are designed to be creative masterpieces that tickle the senses and evoke a sense of eponymous wonder. Some are short palette cleansers designed to bring you down from a high – reset your mood – so the next high hits just as hard.
These stages come in all kinds of forms, but the most common are the ‘Take A Break’ stages. The names perfectly convey what they are for. In the past, Nintendo games would simply tell you to turn the game off and take a walk or something. Nowadays, they advise you to jump into a short level and have a good time. We can’t complain. In this guide, we are going to walk you through your first ‘Take A Break’ stage, ‘Hurry, Hurry’.
More Super Mario Wonder content:
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How To Complete ‘Hurry, Hurry’
We aren’t going to pretend like this guide is going to blow your mind with revelations, secrets, and hidden tech. If anything, this guide is here to help the newest of the new, and if we are being honest, it’s so our ‘Complete Guide’ is actually, well, complete. With that out of the way, let’s go over how to blitz this stage and move on.
The core idea is that there is a timer block you need to hit. This block will spawn a bridge of blocks. However, this bridge won’t last forever. If you want to reach the end of the bridge and grab the Wonder Seed, you are going to have to learn to Dash.
Dashing in Super Mario Wonder is easy. Simply hold down the ‘Y’ button when moving and Mario (or whichever character you are playing as) will start to sprint. That’s it. That’s the solution. This stage is here to teach you a mechanic in a safe environment. Anyone who has played a Mario game before will know how to do this, but newcomers might not. Boom, now everyone is caught up. Have fun and jump into more levels.
‘Take A Break’ stages have no secret exits, no hidden Purple Coins, and no Flags. Simply grab the Wonder Seed and move on.
That’s all we have on Super Mario Wonder for now. Be sure to check out our other Guides, Lists, and Walkthroughs for more Mario content.