There is no FOV Slider in Starfield. The PC Settings are surprisingly limited in Bethesda’s next massive open-world RPG, so fans have had to find alternate solutions to their Field of View problems. Because there’s no FOV Slider, fans are using the cheat console for changing the settings and giving yourself a wider view. The FOV is pretty tight in Starfield by default, so if you’re looking for a more expansive view of the your galactic adventures in space, check out this step-by-step guide on how to change your FOV. Even though it requires console commands, this process is actually easy.
We’ll explain how to use the console here — but if you’re looking for even more codes and cheats, check out our full console commands beginner’s guide. We’ve put together a list of console commands that are easy-to-use and extremely useful. Learn how to turn invisible, walk through walls, unlock anything, activate God Mode or give yourself infinite cash. You can even set your level. The console commands in a Bethesda game are essentially limitless. And one of the most useful ones for performance-minded PC players is this FOV settings command.
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How To Change FOV On PC
The PC Graphics Settings for Starfield are very limited. There is no in-game FOV Slider — normally, there’s no easy way to change the FOV. You won’t find settings or options related to FOV. The only way to change the FOV is with console commands.
The console is a command input line that can be used to input cheats and other codes that can change literally every aspect of the game. You can change the size of characters, spawn items or kill enemies with a single command. There are hundreds of commands, but if you want to alter your FOV, there’s only one command you need to know.
Here’s how to use the console and input the code to change your FOV.
- How To Use The Console: Press tilde [` / ~] to open the console in-game. This can be done from the main menu, but we recommend using it in-game after loading your save.
Once you have the console open, input the following command.
- How To Change FOV: Open the console [~] and type the command.
- Input the code: fov [##]
- Replace [##] with a number. Default FOV is 75.
- Wide FOV is 90. Narrow FOV is 45. Test multiple FOV number settings to decide on your favorite.
For example, if you want to change your FOV to a wider view, open the console [~], then type fov 90 and press enter. This will change the FOV. To reset to default settings, input fov 75. By using different numbers, you’ll be able to carefully manage your personal settings — it’s a little trickier than using a slider, but it gives you just as much control over your experience.
This is just one of several settings fans are begging for. FOV settings may be added in the future, but for now fans are adding features they want themselves — there’s already a mod to add DLSS to Starfield. That can give a huge boost to PC performance. This is such a huge game; the developers have only just started to update and enhance — so I think it’s pretty likely we’ll see more useful features in the near future. Here’s hoping at least.