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As players enter Baldur’s Gate 3’s third act, they come face-to-face with the reality of war. Rivington is on the outskirts of Baldur’s Gate, and it’s filled to the brim with refugees looking for safety after hordes of Absolutists have overrun the surrounding area (and likely turned their mates into thralls).
It’s a grim time for all, and even the mysterious circus that has rolled into town hasn’t done much to help. Things have become quite heated near the entrance to Rivington too, with the noble Arfur arguing with a family who have taken up residence in his rather luxurious abode. In this guide, we will help you decide who to back in this rowdy debate.
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Siding With Arfur
Right off the bat let’s talk about Arfur. He comes across as a bit of a tool, but one who does have a rightful claim on the property. After all, it is his house, and these people have moved in against his will or knowledge. He wants them gone, and there is very little you can do to persuade him otherwise.
Not only that, Arfur is not exactly alone. Being a merchant, he has armed guards who accompany him and his caravan. Whilst they are not intervening in the removal of the squatters, they are no strangers to violence.
Siding with Arfur will cause the squatters to be ousted. If you are playing a Paladin this would be considered just since you are upholding the law and Paladins are wishy-washy swine at the best of times.
Do note that Arfur is not all that he seems and he plays a major role in the ‘Investigate The Mysterious Toys’ quest.

Siding With The Squatters
Spending even a second in Rivington will reveal that people are not safe on the streets. Families with small children are more or less thrown to the wolves and this family of squatters is one such family. They moved in out of desperation and simply wanted somewhere with a roof to keep their children safe.
Whilst this is not a particularly strong legal stance, it could be justified morally. Heck, even a Paladin would be fine backing their claim. Siding with the squatters will allow them to stay in Arfur’s house, although this is not without consequence.
The most notable one is that his bodyguards will not take too kindly to you messing with their business. Turns out they are part of the Thieves Guild, and that is not an organisation you want to cross. Their leader will demand money as compensation for your meddling.
If you pay her, she will leave you be. However, blackmail is not something any budding hero would concede to. You can choose to fight her or Intimidate her. Assuming you failed your check (or you chose to have a scrap) you will be assaulted by a handful of nearby thieves.
These are all levels 7-9 and are pretty adept at killing your squishier characters. Be sure to apply buffs before combat (remember you can change characters during a conversation) so you have the best chance to come out victorious.
Be sure to explore Arfur’s house before you leave as this leads to a rather interesting quest.
That’s all we have for Baldur’s Gate 3 for now. Be sure to check out our other guides and lists for more Baldur’s Gate content.