Fashion is important in Starfield. If you’re wearing your full spacesuit while exploring the settled colonies, NPCs might have something to say about it. Luckily, there’s an easy way to wear normal clothes while exploring combat-free locations or swap in your spacesuit during a combat encounter. With one setting, you’ll be free to look your best in any situation while keeping all the benefits of your gear. Below we’ll explain how to hide your spacesuit while in settlements, or how to hide your space helmet in oxygen-rich environments.
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How To Hide Your Spacesuit In Settlements
Your spacesuit changes how characters in the world react to you — and while your space suit is your primary set of armor, you don’t really need it in save settlements. People will comment on your spacesuit if you’re exploring New Atlantis in full Zero-G gear, but there’s an extremely easy way to disable spacesuits when you’re (usually) not in combat.

- How To Hide Spacesuits: Open the Character Menu -> Inventory.
- In Inventory, open the Spacesuits Tab.
- At the bottom of the menu, you’ll find an option that says [Hide Spacesuit In Settlements]. On Xbox Console, the keybind is [RB].
This will hide your spacesuit when you enter major settlements like New Atlantis, Neon or Akila City. If you enter third-person mode [Options on Xbox] you’ll see that your spacesuit is automatically hidden when in settlements.
The spacesuit is only hidden — it is NOT unequipped. Characters will not mention it when while exploring — NPCs won’t say you don’t need to wear a helmet for example. But, if you enter combat, you will retain all of the benefits of your spacesuit armor.

- Hiding Helmets: Additionally, hiding the spacesuit will automatically also hide the space helmet. Helmets have an additional, separate optional setting.
- Under the Helmet menu in your Inventory, you can enable or disable [Hide Helmet In Breathable Areas].
This will hide your helmet in all areas with normal oxygen levels. That includes interior space stations, your ship, and planets with normal oxygen. This means areas where your spacesuit is not hidden, like exploring livable planets with plenty of oxygen, your helmet will not appear in third-person. Like with hiding your suit, hiding the helmet will retain your equipped helmet’s benefits.
There’s one more option that allows you to hide gear in-game. In Photo Mode, which can be accessed through the Scanner -> press [RS] on Xbox, you can select [Toggle Helmet] with [LS] on Xbox. This option is only available if you DO NOT have the Spacesuit or Helmet toggle on to hide. if you’re already hiding your helmet / spacesuit, you’ll need to toggle those back on if you want to see your full spacesuit in Photo Mode.