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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2.0 is about to kick off Season 5 and with it comes many new additions across all of the modes between the 2 FPS titles. These inclusions include new maps and weapons across both Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone as well as many weapons and Operators which feature both new and returning favorites and even a crossover event celebrating 50 years of hip hop. This article will break down everything added at the start of Season 5 in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2.0.
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Everything New At The Launch Of Season 5 In Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2.0

Overall Additions
This section will cover all the content available to both Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2.0 players. This includes an update to the season-long Event that has been present in both the multiplayer and the Battle Royale, several all-new weapons, and other content. Following the warning put forth by Hadir in Raid Episode 4, Shadown Company is forced to once again team up with Task Force 141.
5 New Battle Pass Operators: Commander Phillip Graves Returns
Season 5 will introduce the most Battle Pass Operators in a single season so far for Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2.0. This Battle Pass, including the Premium BlackCell version, will come with 6 Operators with both new and returning faces. BlackCell will see the inclusion of Arther, a character that continues the trend of the Battle Pass variant skins by including a more futuristic look and an enigmatic past. In the regular Battle Pass, players will gain access to Oz, a special Shadow Company Operator, and Mila, a character whose past is currently redacted. Returning from Modern Warfare (2019) is Velikan, sporting a new look that players who have encountered the deadly Operator in DMZ’s Building 21 will recognize.
Finally, Commander Phillip Graves returns following his supposed death in the Modern Warfare 2 campaign. The leader of the PMC Shadow Company, the fan-favorite character becomes playable in Season 5 as the entire season takes on a Shadow Company theme.

New Battle Pass
Just like the previous seasons of Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone, Season 5 will also introduce a new 100-tier Battle Pass that will include the previously covered Operators as well as over 100 pieces of content including new cosmetics for Vehicles and Operators, Calling Cards, Emblems, and Weapon Blueprints.
Also returning in the upgraded version of the Battle Pass known as BlackCell. First introduced in Season 3, BlackCell costs $29.99 and will give players access to the regular Battle Pass as well as a new BlackCell Sector that will have its own unique rewards and will function as a new starting point for players to go through the Pass.
Some of the new content included in BlackCell includes the previously mentioned Arthur Operator with an animated skin as well as several new Weapon Blueprints, Vehicle Skins, Finishing Moves, and unique BlackCell Skins It will also give players 20 Tier Skips, with PlayStation players getting 25 Skips, and 1,100 COD Points instantly.
Faction Showdown Event
The Event taking place during Season 5 will be slightly different from the Events seen over the lifespan of Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2.0. Known as Faction Showdown, this Event will run for just under two weeks from August 4 to August 16, and will see players pick between one of two teams: Task Force 141 and Shadow Company. Both teams will have the same main challenge of getting 50 Operator Kills with a collection of sub-challenges unique to both sides. Task Force 141 will focus on getting Finishing Move and melee kills when up close and Battle Rifle shots from afar while Shadow Company is all about stealth with SMG Kills from behind while also being able to bring the bang with Launchers and Lethal Equipment. Completing the challenges for either faction rewards you with items such as Tier Skips, Vehicle Skins, and a Weapon Blueprint for completing all the challenges for a faction. Players are not locked into a faction and can change at any time that the Event is active.
Over the course of the Event, every Operator Kill will be tracked, adding the community total for each respective faction. At the end of the Event, the team with the most kills will get a free skin for either Soap (Task Force 141) or Horangi (Shadow Company) as well as a universal weapon camo and a one-hour Double Battle Pass XP Token.
New Prestige Levels
Season 5 sees the level cap once again increase as four new Prestiges will be along with 200 new levels for players to grind to. With the current highest level being 850 at Prestige 17, players will now be able to go up to Prestige 21 with Prestige 18 being unlocked at Level 900, Prestige 19 unlocking at Level 950, Prestige 20 at Level 1,000, and Prestige 21 being unlocked at Level 1,050.

New Assault Rifle: FR Avancer
Along with all the different additions coming at the start of Season 5, there will be two new weapons will be joining the ever-growing arsenal across both FPS titles. Both weapons are returning fan-favorites with the first one being the FR Avancer. While being under a different name this weapon takes the appearance of the FFAR or the FAMAS that has appeared in several previous Call of Duty titles. This Rifle has a smooth recoil, especially given its high rate of fire and can easily become one of the go-to weapons for many players has it has over the years.

New Sniper Rifle: Carrack .300
Another returning weapon, the Carrack .300 takes its design from the WA2000 from the original Modern Warfare 2 back in 2009. A semi-automatic, bullpup design, the Carrack .300 is described as “effective even at the longest ranges, all it requires is an Operator who can take a deep breath, keep calm under pressure, and line up a shot to the head or upper chest.”

Call of Duty Celebrates 50 Years Of Hip Hop
To celebrate the half-century of the important music genre, Call of Duty will see a number of bundles added to the game featuring popular musicians. At launch, Snoop Dogg, who is no stranger to appearing in Call of Duty titles, will receive his own bundle with the likes of Nicki Minaj and 21 Savage being added in the future. There is also a new set of Daily Login Rewards with players that sign in on any 4 days between August 7 and August 16 unlocking a War Track sampling the different decades from the genre’s past.
Modern Warfare 2
Season 5 of Modern Warfare 2 will be seeing a fair amount of new content introduced. This includes multiplayer maps for both the regular Core Modes and the Gunfight mode as well as several brand-new game modes.
4 New Maps: 2 New Core Maps And 2 New Gunfight Maps
At the start of Season 5, there will be a total of 4 new maps added to Modern Warfare 2. There will be two maps for the classic Core modes. One is Strike, a remake of the iconic map from 2007’s Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. The other is an all-new experience known as Punta Mar. This map takes place in a former tourist town in Las Almas that has been evacuated. The city built on a hill will see players battling up and down the streets with many sightlines and quick and constant engagements.

Finally, the Gunfight will also be getting 2 new maps to play on at the launch of Season 5. The first map is Canal, a street outside of a brewery along the titular canal in Vondel. The other is Lounge which takes place inside a high-roller club.

3 New Game Modes: Havoc, Big Capture The Flag, And Gunfight Variants
Modern Warfare 2 will also see 3 new game modes added to its multiplayer. The first and most unique one is known as Havoc, a mode inspired by arena shooters with specific rogue-like elements. Each match will function similarly to Team Deathmatch as players attempt to reach a certain number of kills. The mode won’t have any Perks, Killstreaks, or Field Upgrades and instead will introduce Modifiers. When a team reaches a kill count that is a multiple of 12, a new Modifier will be added to both teams, chosen at random from a collection of 14 possible Modifiers. Each of these Modifiers will stack on top of each other with the first team to reach 75 kills winning. Below is a collection of Modifiers that will be in the selection:
- Ammo Feeder: Auto reloads a weapon (from stock ammo) upon elimination.
- Boots Off the Ground: Moon gravity. Affects only player jump heights, not thrown equipment or ballistics.
- Flameshot: Flame-tipped Crossbows and Molotovs only. All Loadouts change immediately to this upon modifier activation.
- Hero Landing: Landing from a big drop causes a frag-grenade-like explosion around you.
- Perspective Shift: Everyone swaps to a third-person camera view.
Joining this new mode is Big Capture the Flag. A straightforward mode compared to the previous one, this mode will place 2 teams of 20 against each other on a Ground War map for a game of Capture the Flag. The final mode is a collection of Variants to the Gunfight mode. At Launch, there will be Gunfight Custom, which uses the same rules as regular Gunfight but allows players to use their custom classes. Gunfight Sniper will be seen in the future and will see players only allowed to use Sniper Rifles while Armored Gunfight will give each player a little extra health and armor with no way to get more armor and no health regeneration.
Warzone 2.0 is getting a few new features in this new update with Vondel getting its own version of the Champion’s Quest from Al Mazrah as well as a few new vehicles to traverse the many different Battle Royale maps.
Vondel Champion’s Quest Nuke
Ever since the launch of Warzone 2.0, players have been able to get a Nuke in the Battle Royale title by winning 5 matches in a row and then completing a special contract that requires them to build the explosive. With Season 5, the Champion’s Quest comes to Vondel and also requires players to build their own bomb after winning 5 games in a row. This Champion’s Quest introduces a change to both building processes of not just to Vondel but also Al Mazrah as the elements that players will need to collect cannot be dropped. In addition to this change, there are 3 new element compounds that players will collect, each one coming with their own debuff when being held.
- Gallium: Holding Gallium reveals all nearby team members who held it previously as if you were affected by a Snapshot Grenade.
- Deuterium: This fatigues any Operator, which includes causing them to cough if they try sprinting.
- Neptunium: This periodically electrocutes all nearby Operators as well as hay-wiring vehicles, with similar effects as the Shock Stick.
Players who complete this challenge will get a collection of unique Operator Skins and Weapon Blueprints.

New Vehicles: MRAP And Dirt Bike
Across the multiple Warzone maps, there will also be multiple new vehicles for players to use with one being a small and quick vehicle while the other is a heavily armored vehicle that can become a killer behemoth in the right hands. Starting with the smaller addition, the Dirt Bike can carry two players and is one of the most nimble and quick vehicles in the Battle Royale title.
On the other end of the spectrum, there is the Mine Resistant Ambush Protected vehicle, also known as the MRAP. This cargo truck-sized fortress is heavily armored and heavily armed with excessive layers of armor plating and extra turrets for players to utilize. This vehicle will be extremely rare to find, but the team that does get it will find a powerful, albeit slow vehicle that will take a lot of firepower to destroy.

DMZ continues to grow and expand with Season 5 as the battle lines between enemy combatants are drawn with a new enemy faction infiltrating the exclusion zones. With these new enemies also come some new Field Upgrades for players to loot and discover.
New Konni Group Enemy Faction And Shadow Company Cease Fire
With the narrative of Season 5 seeing the teams of Shadow Company and Task Force 141 coming together, the Shadow Company forces present in locations like Building 21 and Ashika Island will be replaced with the threat that is bringing the teams together: The Konni Group. The addition of this new faction will see AI Shadow Company Combatants fighting against this invading force, using everything from guns to even Killstreaks against each other as the DMZ match goes on. This also means that players will be able to approach Shadow Company AI and will not be fired upon unless they shoot them first.

New Missions At The F.O.B.
The Forward Operating Base, or F.O.B., introduced during the last season introduced a lot of new missions that allowed players to gain passive upgrades in DMZ like Bartering Recipes and the Wallet system. This new update will include a collection of new Missions along with more Urgent Missions to unlock more timed Missions for players to complete. Among these new Missions is a new Faction: Shadow Company.
Disguise Field Upgrade
While already being a piece of loot that can be put on when found, the Disguise is now becoming a Field Upgrade. When activated, the player will appear as a member of an AI faction, allowing them to pass through their ranks undetected as long as they don’t do anything that will draw attention to them.
Battle Revive
As the name would suggest, this new addition will see players use a Self-Revive item to pick themselves up and then give them the effects of the Battle Rage Field Upgrade. This means that players will heal more quickly and have their Tactical Sprint also constantly refreshed for a short period of time.
Self-Revive Box Field Upgrade
Similar to the Armor and Munitions Box Field Upgrades, the Self Revive Box will allow players to throw down a box that allows them and their teammates to take a few Self-Revive Kits.
Scuba Gas Mask
The Scuba Mask functions as an equitable O2 Rebreather that will auto-equip when the player goes underwater. In addition to letting them breathe underwater, the mask functions like the other Gas Masks in the game by also protecting players from Gas and Radiation as well.

Call of Duty 2023 Reveal Event Coming Soon To Warzone
Finally, while not releasing at the launch of Season 5, it has been confirmed that Warzone 2.0 will host the reveal event for the 2023 Call of Duty game, which has been leaked and heavily corroborated to be Modern Warfare 3 developed by Sledgehammer Games. This event does not have a release date announced as of now but will take place during Season 5, tasking players with stopping a chemical attack in Al Mazrah orchestrated by Konni forces.

You can check out the Infinity Ward blog post regarding the new content in Season 5 linked here. Stay tuned to Gameranx for future news, updates, and guides on Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 as well as Warzone 2.0.