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Kamisato Ayaka was one of the first playable Inazuma characters from Genshin Impact. She’s back for her second rerun banner, so if you’re in the market for a great Cryo Main DPS, definitely go for her.
Genshin Impact: How to Ascend Kamisato Ayaka | Genshin Impact: How to Build Yelan | Genshin Impact: How to Ascend Shenhe
Most of Ayaka’s damage comes from her Elemental Burst. After you unlock Ayaka’s 1st Ascension Passive, you may want to prioritize her Normal Attack over her Elemental Skill. However, both are equally important so you can choose between leveling them up together or doing one and then the other.
Combat Talents
Normal Attack – Kamisato Art: Kabuki
Ayaka can perform up to 5 rapid sword strikes. Her Charged and Plunging Attacks are standard and don’t gain any specific buffs or special qualities.
Elemental Skill – Kamisato Art: Hyouka
Ayaka summons blooming ice to launch nearby opponents. In addition to sending your enemies flying, this deals AoE Cryo DMG. In battle, Ayaka basically lays down a giant snowflake that inflicts Cryo on enemies. It’s kind of like Chongyun’s Elemental Skill, but the Cryo field disappears almost immediately.
Though the Skill has a relatively long cooldown (10 seconds), you should really be using it to apply Cryo rather than for dealing direct damage. Also, Ayaka has a Cryo sprint that you can use during her Skill cooldown.
Elemental Burst – Kamisato Art: Soumetsu
Ayaka unleashes a Frostlake Seki no To that moves forward continuously. The Frostlake Seki no To deals Cryo DMG and at the end of its duration, explodes to deal AoE Cryo DMG.
Basically, you send a giant snowflake to go kill your enemies.
This is how Ayaka does most of her damage, especially considering how three of her six Constellations directly buff her Burst. Additionally, this Burst can apply passive Cryo DM – when the Frostlake comes in contact with an enemy, it will remain at that spot until the enemy is defeated or the enemy manages to exit the Frostlake’s AoE.
Alternate Sprint – Kamisato Art: Senho
So far, only Ayaka and Mona have an Alternate Sprint. To activate it, just hold down the Sprint button. When Ayaka reappears, she unleashes Cryo on nearby opponents and her attacks gain Cryo infusion for a brief period.
Passive Talents
1st Ascension – Amatsumi Kunitsumi Sanctification
After using Ayaka’s Elemental Skill, Ayaka’s Normal and Charged Attacks deal 30% more DMG for 6 seconds.
Once you activate this Passive, you’ll want to get into the habit of applying an Element, switching to Ayaka, using her Skill to apply Cryo, then keeping Ayaka in for her DMG.
4th Ascension – Kanten Senmyou Blessing
When the Cryo application at the end of Ayaka’s Sprint hits an opponent, Ayaka gains 10 Stamina, and an 18% Cryo DMG Bonus for 10 seconds.
To take full advantage of this Passive, you may need to adjust your playstyle. Essentially, you mostly want to take advantage of that Cryo DMG Bonus, which incentivizes you to have Ayaka’s Skill and Burst ready to go within that 10 second window. This will really come in handy for bosses, especially the tougher Trounce Domain ones. Just make sure they take Cryo DMG first – Ayaka won’t help you in a Wolf of the North Challenge.
Utility Passive – Fruits of Shinsa
When Ayaka crafts Weapon Ascension Materials, she has a 10% chance of doubling the product. In order to use this ability, make sure you choose Ayaka as your crafter. The button that lets you switch between characters should pulse if she’s not being used.
Albedo and Alhaitham have the same ability.
Combat Talent Materials by Level
Remember, if you want to Triple Crown a character, multiply all Talent Materials by three. Each Combat Talent has its own Level-Up system.
Talent Level 2 | 6 Old Handguard 3 Teachings of Elegance 12,500 Mora |
Talent Level 3 | 3 Kageuchi Handguard 2 Guides to Elegance 17,500 Mora |
Talent Level 4 | 4 Kageuchi Handguard 4 Guides to Elegance 25,000 Mora |
Talent Level 5 | 6 Kageuchi Handguard 6 Guides to Elegance 30,000 Mora |
Talent Level 6 | 9 Kageuchi Handguard 9 Guides to Elegance 37,500 Mora |
Talent Level 7 | 4 Famed Handguard 4 Philosophies of Elegance 1 Bloodjade Branch 120,000 Mora |
Talent Level 8 | 6 Famed Handguard 6 Philosophies of Elegance 1 Bloodjade Branch 260,000 Mora |
Talent Level 9 | 9 Famed Handguard 12 Philosophies of Elegance 2 Bloodjade Branch 450,000 Mora |
Talent Level 10 | 12 Famed Handguard 16 Philosophies of Elegance 2 Bloodjade Branch 1 Crown of Insight 700,000 Mora |
Total Talent Materials | 6 Old Handguard 22 Kageuchi Handguard 31 Famed Handguard 3 Teachings of Elegance 21 Guide to Elegance 38 Philosophies of Elegance 6 Bloodjade Branch 1 Crown of Insight 1,652,500 Mora |