Shenhe joins Kamisato Ayaka on the second limited banner for Genshin Impact Version 3.5. Introduced a little over a year ago, Shenhe made her debut alongside Yun Jin. Raised by Cloud Retainer, Shenhe faces different social challenges than Ganyu. Instead of being an adeptus raised among mortals, she’s a mortal raised among the adepti.
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Which means she can be unintentionally hilarious due to her lack of socialization.
Her entire story quest is an absolute joy, so definitely play it if you haven’t already! But if you get Shenhe before you complete that quest, make sure you have what she needs.
Regional Specialty – Qingxin
Thankfully, it is so much easier to farm the Qingxin than it was before. Qingxin grows on the mountaintops and cliffs of Liyue, basically anywhere in Liyue that can be considered desolate and remote. They are easiest to find in Huaguang Stone Forest since all you really need to do is climb until you can’t anymore. Guyun Stone Forest is also a good place to look, especially if you need any Ores.
Qinglian at the Stone Gate will give you 3 Qingxin the first time you follow the correct dialogue path.
Currently, 2 shops sell Qingxin: Herbalist Gui in Bubu Pharmacy and Babak in Port Ormos. Herbalist Gui has 10 Qingxin, with each costing 600 Mora – or 6,000 Mora for all 10. Babak has 5 Qingxin, with each costing 1,000 Mora – or 5,000 Mora for all 5. Both shops restock every 3 days.
Qingxin can also be grown in the Serenitea Pot. If you have the Seed Dispensary gadget, make sure to equip it before you collect Qingxin – this will allow you to get the item and the seed. Qingxin seeds can be planted on the Luxuriant Glebe plot and harvested after about 3 days (specifically, after 2 days and 22 hours). You can plant up to 8 Qingxin at once.
Common Enemy Drop – Nectar Series
Maybe it’s an adepti thing, but Shenhe and Ganyu use almost all of the same materials.
Shenhe uses the Nectar common drops, which only come from Whopperflowers. They can be found all over Teyvat, either just hanging around or by plucking a Sweet Flower or Mint with the “…” prompt.
Sumeru basically encourages you to pick the sussy flowers. If you reveal and defeat certain Whopperflowers in the region, you’ll be rewarded with a Chest.
Normal Boss Drop – Dragonheir’s False Fin
The Coral Defenders drop the Dragonheir’s False Fin. They can be found in Dainichi Mikoshi, Enkanomiya. So you do have to have Enkanomiya unlocked, which happens after you complete the Inazuma Archon Quest Ritou Escape Plan.
You then need to complete The Still Water’s Flow World Quest, then start the From Dusk to Dawn quest series. So if you haven’t fully unlocked Inazuma yet, you’re in for a lot of story content.
Gem Series – Shivada Jade
The Coral Defenders drop both Shivada Jade and Vajrada Amethyst, so you may need to fight another boss to get the right gems. The Cryo Regisvine and the Cryo Hypostasis bosses are guaranteed to drop Shivada Jade.
Materials by Ascension Level
Ascension 1 – Levels 21-40 | 1 Shivada Jade Sliver 3 Qingxin 3 Whopperflower Nectar 20,000 Mora |
Ascension 2 – Levels 41-50 | 3 Shivada Jade Fragments 10 Qingxin 15 Whopperflower Nectar 2 Dragonheir’s False Fin 40,000 Mora |
Ascension 3 – Levels 51-60 | 6 Shivada Jade Fragments 20 Qingxin 12 Shimmering Nectar 4 Dragonheir’s False Fin 60,000 Mora |
Ascension 4 – Levels 61-70 | 3 Shivada Jade Chunks 30 Qingxin 18 Shimmering Nectar 8 Dragonheir’s False Fin 80,000 Mora |
Ascension 5 – Levels 71-80 | 6 Shivada Jade Chunks 45 Qingxin 12 Energy Nectar 12 Dragonheir’s False Fin 100,000 Mora |
Ascension 6 – Levels 81-90 | 6 Shivada Jade Gemstone 60 Qingxin 24 Energy Nectar 20 Dragonheir’s False Fin 120,000 Mora |
Full Ascension Totals | 1 Shivada Jade Sliver 9 Shivada Jade Fragments 9 Shivada Jade Chunks 6 Shivada Jade Gemstones 168 Qingxin 18 Whopperflower Nectar 30 Shimmering Nectar 36 Energy Nectar 46 Dragonheir’s False Fin 420,000 Mora |