Week 4 of Destiny 2’s Season Of Defiance brings yet more new Challenges for Guardians to work through. This week you are tasked with calibrating more weapons, doing more Gambits, and progressing Destiny 2’s story post-Lightfall. You’ll certainly start noticing some returning themes when it comes to your weekly tasks.
Each week, Destiny 2 will add around 10 new Challenges. These Challenges don’t have to be completed the week they are introduced, however, we recommend keeping on top of them. This way, you won’t get overwhelmed. Challenges reward EXP and help you level up your Season Pass. These are all the Challenges for Week 4.
More Destiny 2 Lightfall content:
New Weapon Showcase | Strand Subclass | Defiant Engrams | Unfinished Business

Every Week 3 Challenge
Cunning Liberator
Use Energy weapons to defeat enemies in Defiant Battlegrounds playlists. You can earn bonus progress by using Void or Arc damage.
- War Table Upgrade
- Seasonal EXP
This can be done very quickly providing you have the right weapons. Firstly, an Energy Weapon is just a fancy way of pointing to your second slot weapon. Ideally, you want to use a Primary Weapon as these won’t require any ammo to use. We recommend powerful weapons like Risk Runner or Funnelweb for this – although any Energy weapon will do.
All That Matters
Complete week 4’s ‘We Stand Unbroken’ Quest.
- War Table Upgrade
- Seasonal EXP
You’ve seen this Challenge every week, so you should know the drill. Head to the War Table, start the next part of the Quest and advance the story a bit. This is the most straightforward Challenge each week, but it’s also the most content-rich.
Focused Defiance
Decrypt or focus Defiant Engrams at the War Table.
- War Table Upgrade
- Seasonal EXP
This Challenge is retroactive, so if you have been cracking open Defiant Engrams, you will have this Challenge completed straight away. If not, take your Engrams, head to the War Table, and open them up. We recommend using them to create Armour as this is not only cheaper – therefore requiring fewer resources – but also allows you to use Ghost Mods to try and roll powerful gear with the right stat distribution. Two birds with one stone.
Complete the ‘Final Strand’ Quest. Additionally, you will need to rapidly defeat combatants throughout Neomuna. Bonus progress is earned by landing final blows with a Sidearm
- Seasonal EXP
This challenge requires you to fully unlock your Strand Subclass, which we have a guide for here. Not only that, you will need to go through the effort of completing the ‘Final Strand’ quest, which is a little bit tricky. If you have already done that first part, don’t worry, that objective is retroactive.
The second part just takes time. Thankfully, the Exotic reward for the above quest is a Sidearm, so you can have some fun messing around with your new gun and progressing this Challenge at the same time.
Mod Collector
Unlock Artefact Mods.
- Bright Dust
- Seasonal EXP
This is another retroactive Challenge and one you will likely have completed if you have been doing Challenges each week. You simply need 12 passive bonuses unlocked, and this will be done. We had this complete during week 2, so provided you are playing Destiny 2, you should get this done in no time.
Momentum Crash
Defeat Guardians in Momentum Control. You will gain bonus progress by having Zone Advantage.
- Bright Dust
- Seasonal EXP
Momentum Control is a limited-time mode in the Crucible. You will need to kill around Guardians to complete this challenge, and if you don’t like PVP, you aren’t going to have a good time. This is because Momentum Control has a drastically reduced time-to-kill, meaning you die very quickly. We recommend running your favourite Scout Rifle to make the most out of this, although SMGs also work a treat.
Razor’s Edge
Defeat enemies with Swords, Bows, and Glaives in Gambit. You will earn bonus progress for defeating Guardians.
- Bright Dust
- Seasonal EXP
Another PVP-centric Challenge, although this time it’s in Gambit. Like with every Gambit Challenge so far, this can take a while and it is unbearably tedious – just like Gambit. To make this go faster equip a powerful first-slot Bow, your favourite second-slot Glaive, and whatever Sword you fancy in Heavy. Use your Bow and Glaive to kill weak enemies and your Sword to cut down tougher opponents.
Darkest Nightfall
Complete any Nightfall Strike on Hero difficulty or higher.
- Bright Dust
- Seasonal EXP
Whilst you can run this on higher difficulties, there isn’t any reason to. Just stick to Hero and blitz this. Hero has the added benefit of easier difficulty and Matchmaking, which makes it far more accessible.
Precision Calibration
Land Precision Final Blows on enemies using Scout Rifles, Sniper Rifles, and Linear Fusion Rifles. Bonus progress is granted for killing Guardians.
- Bright Dust
- Seasonal EXP
This one requires 200 Precision Final Blows, which can take a while. We recommend loading up a place with a high quantity of low-quality enemies that you can grind out. We found Savathun’s Throne World to be excellent. However, so are Defiant Battlegrounds. If you are doing this on Week 4, or if Momentum Control is in Crucible, we recommend hopping into that mode as you can quickly gain points by head-shotting Guardians with a decent Scout Rifle.
With all of the challenges complete, you will have to wait until Week 4 and beyond to make more progress. Be sure to check out our other Destiny 2 Guides, Lists, and Walkthroughs for more content in the meantime.