Destiny 2 is a game that is, for the most part, all about that grind. Whether you are grinding for perfect rolls, Exotics, Catalysts, or even just Reputation, there’s always something to plink away at. Thankfully, Destiny 2 is a well-crafted experience and grinding is shockingly enjoyable.
This is, in part, due to the outstanding gunplay, build diversity and underlying depth the game has to offer. That last part in particular can sometimes be a bit of a detriment, as not everything is explained. Lost Sectors and their much harder Legendary variants are just one example of this. This is how to unlock them, and why you want to complete them.
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What Are Lost Sectors?
Lost Sectors are the smallest form of “dungeon” Destiny 2 has to offer. If Raids were large-scale events, Dungeons were small-scale events, then Lost Sectors are more like single-person excursions into the unknown. At least, at first. Each planet is littered with these things, and completing them rewards you with some rather fancy loot.
Finding Lost Sectors is easy too, as they are not only marked on your Map but are also signposted in-game by white arch graffiti.
What Are Legendary Lost Sectors?
Legendary Lost Sectors are Lost Sectors, only substantially harder. Enemies are pushing the Power Level cap, and completing them solo is a tall order. Where your standard Lost Sector is doable solo, Legendary Lost Sectors may require a team to take out if you are not up to speed in terms of gear and build.
There are also Master Lost Sectors which act as an in-between. These are harder than Lost Sectors and easier than Legendary.
How To Unlock Legendary Lost Sectors
Unlocking Legendary Lost Sectors is fairly easy – simply complete a Lost Sector on its base difficulty. This will unlock its Legendary and Master version, however, they will only be accessible at this difficulty if that Lost Sector is scheduled to be a Legendary/Master Lost Sector.
That’s right, Destiny 2 employs a rotating list of Legendary Lost Sectors. This means you are probably going to have to run most, if not all, Lost Sectors just to ensure you can run a Legendary once it crops up. It’s a bit of a chore, but one worth enduring.
One last note is the level requirement. Legendary Lost Sectors are not easy, and you should, at the very least, be at the Power Level Cap of 1800. If you aren’t, you are going to have a rough time getting through them.

Rewards For Completing Legendary Lost Sectors
Thankfully the rewards for completing Legendary Lost Sectors are top-notch. Whilst not a guaranteed drop, your odds of receiving an Exotic item are far higher when completing these suped-up micro-dungeons. Like the Lost Sectors themselves, the type of Exotic is also rotating. Checking to see what items can drop and grinding these Lost Sectors to grab your ideal drop is often a solid idea.
That’s all we have for Destiny 2 Lightfall for now. Be sure to check out our other Guides, Lists, and Walkthroughs for more Destiny 2 content.