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Following on from ‘Olivander’s Heirloom’ and possibly even ‘Ghost Of Our Love’, you will be ready to uncover the mystery behind Richard Jackdaw’s death. Up until this point, you know he was exploring a cave in the Forbidden Forest, and you know that he met his end swiftly due to decapitation from a mysterious foe.
Jackdaw offers to take you to the cave and asks you to meet him at the Forbidden Forest. Make your way there and get ready for one of the longer quests in Hogwarts Legacy up until this point. There’s a lot to do, many enemies to battle, and even some optional puzzles along the way. Let’s dive right in.
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Navigating The Forbidden Forest
Once you have met up with Jackdaw and started the quest properly, you will be tasked with following him. This is a slow plod through the Forbidden Forest and nothing of note will happen. However, Jackdaw will get spooked when he gets too close to the cave and will bail. You will have to find the cave alone, and more importantly, navigate it.

Thankfully the path to the cave is marked out on your minimap, so all you have to do is follow the waymarkers. It is very dark here, so be sure to cast Lumos to have a better view of your surroundings.
The first landmark you will come across is a waterfall. Your character will comment on it, and this will tell you that you are on the right path. Keep following your markers.

Next up is the lake. This is hard to miss since it is so large. The lake is the final landmark before the cave itself, be warned, the cave is guarded to be ready for a fight. Follow your waymarkers to the cave and whisper the password Jackdaw gave you to open a path.

Goblin Battle
This will result in an ambush party of Goblins appearing. As per usual, Goblins are a little bit trickier than wizards to fight due to their unorthodox magic and melee attacks, but the usual combination of Levioso, Accio, and Incendio (or any other spell combinations) will work wonders here.
Once they are dispatched, enter ‘Jackdaw’s Tomb’

Jackdaw’s Tomb
Whilst called a tomb, it’s more of a dungeon that Jackdaw died in. It’s also impressively large. This is the main bulk of the quest, so get ready for quite the long delve.

Locked Door #1
Your first obstacle is a locked door with three mysterious locks preventing it from being opened. This door acts as a tutorial. There are runes in this area that need to be shot at with basic spells to break. Break all three, and the door will open. This first puzzle is very simple by design, but later doors will be more cunning with their rune placement.
Opening this door will also start the repair process on a broken bridge. You can’t access it yet, and even if you could, you couldn’t cross it in its current state.

The most common enemy in the early portion of this dungeon is giant spiders. You may have fought these already whilst exploring the open world. These guys are especially weak to Incendo, so be sure to lean on that spell specifically for the most damage.
You will also encounter webs. These can also be burned with Incendio, so whenever your way is blocked, be sure to whip out that spell.
Your first spider encounter will emerge from some tree roots. These spiders are easy to deal with as they don’t come in small numbers. Importantly, they also hint at the first hidden chest.

Optional Loot #1
If you crouch under the roots the spiders came from, you will have another spider fight. Defeat them. In this new room, there is a chest with loot for you to nab. Take it, then leave from where you entered.
Optional Loot #2
Follow the main path and head down some steps. Take the first right, and you will find another area with optional loot. Jump on the stationary platform and cast Accio on the floating platform to pull it towards you. Jump onto it and then use Accio on another stationary platform to pull your floating platform (with you on it) to a ledge. Loot the chest and return to the main area.

Rune Door #2
Once you are back on the main path, you will eventually come across another Rune Door. You can see two of the runes without much hassle, but the third one is missing. That’s because it’s hidden behind the cave wall. Position yourself as we have in the screenshot to see all three Runes at once. Shoot them all quickly (these doors are timed) to complete the puzzle, unlock the door, and repair more of the bridge.

Floating Platform Puzzle & Optional Loot #3
This is the second floating platform puzzle if you have been keeping an eye out for optional loot. Accio the platform to you like last time and jump on. There are three paths you can take. Straight ahead is the main path, so if you want to explore and grab some loot, take the left and right paths first. These are very short offshoots, although the right encounter has more loot in addition to a spider fight.
Once you are done slaying spiders and looting graves, head back to the main path. You will very quickly bump into more spiders once you return to the main trail.

Optional Loot #4
Keep to your right when on the main path to find another optional floating platform puzzle. This one is quite lengthy but very easy to solve since you’ve already done a bunch of these by this point. Board the floating platform and use Accio to pull yourself around various corners. Be sure to keep an eye out for ledges and chests – there are quite a few here.
We won’t go into each one as they are pretty obvious. Once you hit a dead end, you are done here so return to the main path. Follow the blue torches to a large arena to move on.

Spider Boss Battle
After a bunch of Accio puzzles, doors, and spiders, it’s time to fight, well, more spiders. You will be assailed by a bunch of weak spiders, as has been the case for most of this dungeon. However, once you have defeated the first wave, two large spiders will spawn, and these are much harder to deal with.
These spiders have unblockable attacks and deal a lot of damage. Be sure to use your strongest spells to take them down quickly, and try to focus them down one at a time. To make things a bit harder, swarms of smaller spiders will also spawn. Be sure to keep an eye on the ground beneath your feet. Certain spiders can bury and emerge from under you. These attacks are poorly telegraphed compared to most attacks in Hogwarts Legacy, and they are unblockable.

Final Rune Door
With the spiders taken care of, you are free to move on to the next area. Surprise, surprise, another Rune Door. This one has another hidden Rune. This time, it is under the bridge you crossed to get to the door. We recommend shooting this Rune first, before running to the Rune Door to quickly break the remaining two. This will open the door and repair more of the bridge.

Finding Richard Jackdaw
You can finally cross the bridge, and when you do, you will find the decapitated body of Richard Jackdaw. He has two swords where his neck should be, which is quite gruesome. Head further in and you will be attacked by Pensive Sentinels. These are the same guys you have fought whenever you find fonts of Ancient Magic. These are not harder to defeat than usual, so quickly dispatch them.
Once you have dealt with enough Sentinels and Protector will spawn. This guy is much larger and far more powerful than your basic Sentinels. This makes it immune to displacement spells like Accio and Levioso. Use the environment, Incendio, and basic shot to defeat it. Try not to use Ancient Magic here.
This is not the end, however. Once the Protector is defeated, two more Protectors will spawn. This fight is more difficult than the last one, but if you have been saving your Ancient Magic, now is a great time to use it to quickly take them out.

Encountering Percival Rackham
With all of those enemies finally defeated, you can investigate the site of Ancient Magic to open a portal. Head through it. The room will flood, but don’t worry, you are protected by a mysterious form of magic. Head through another portal and you will find yourself in a large chamber with giant paintings.
One of those paintings is Percival Rackham who you may remember from previous visions. Talk to him about Ancient Magic, this mysterious chamber, and the tome you found in the Restricted Section.
Upon finishing up your conversation, you will unlock the Talent System. This will let you spend Talent Points in various Skill Trees to customise your Witch or Wizard however you wish.
Leave the Map Chamber and you will end up in Hogwarts. All roads lead to Hogwarts, apparently.
That’s all we have on Hogwarts Legacy for now. Be sure to check out our other Guides, Lists, and Walkthroughs for more Hogwarts content.